Magic mushrooms in Detroit area


New Member
Do any kinds of magic mushrooms naturally grow in the Detroit area of Michigan (more specifically Hines park). And what time of year o they grow?
I'd search for lawns fertilized with aged horse manure, or just a horse pasture. You might be able to find some panaeolus cinctulus. They are pretty easy to identify, and confirm with a spore print, and are widely distributed across the US.

I had a trailer load of aged horse manure delivered to my yard for free, and pan cincts were popping up from it left and right all summer. I am also in Michigan.

The only downside is that they are pretty weak, weaker than cubes for sure, so you will need a lot of them for a good trip.
I'd search for lawns fertilized with aged horse manure, or just a horse pasture. You might be able to find some panaeolus cinctulus. They are pretty easy to identify, and confirm with a spore print, and are widely distributed across the US.

I had a trailer load of aged horse manure delivered to my yard for free, and pan cincts were popping up from it left and right all summer. I am also in Michigan.

The only downside is that they are pretty weak, weaker than cubes for sure, so you will need a lot of them for a good trip.
this is metro detroit, nobody got horses for 30 miles west
Funny, everyone is thinking horse Manure. No. Cubes are semi tropical to tropical. But look on old decaying hay bales after a good rain in spring. You may find a small mushroom with a bullseye cap that is psychoactive, maybe a half the strength of cubes.
I'm in the rural metro, as a kid we had a truckload of manure brought in and for a couple years after we had some delicious white edibles popping up in the grass in fall. I heard the red and white capped piss drinking type are possible but not into drinking piss so never looked
Hello good afternoon
I bought a magic mushroom kit
Is it possible to grow it in a transparent box instead of the plastic bag? How ? Thanks
You can inoculate in a bag, log, block or jar.
Fruit in a storage tub, open air, 4ft 4 tier plastic greenhouse, jar, tray, log and bag. Only catch is to only allow fruits to form on the surface to make harvesting easier. So light must be block from any portion of your mycelium mass you don't want mushrooms to form at. Mushrooms that fruit in the bottom of a tray can't easily be harvested and usually rot if not harvested, this invites contamination and can take over your healthy clean mycelium mass. Duct tape or a black bag works well with mono tubs, aluminum turkey trays work excellent in a greenhouse.