mailing green super idea


Well-Known Member
shampoo bottles? shampoo is really thick.......i kno the box would be kind of heavy, but cmon.....can dogs smell thru that? (shampoo is thick yo) do customs poor out shampoo contents? i feel like this is flawless lets get some feedback on this concept! (improvements and criticism) preferably ppl in the US but any1 should say wat they got to say.. (i have never done this and will never have a reason to....its just for fun :-P
Well shampoo bottles have really skinny necks so you will not be able to get much in there. A peanut butter jar however has a very wide mouth and even thicker contents. You can hollow out a space for your sack, and then slap a wad of peanut butter on top.
shipping from state to state is possibly the dumbest idea ever. every thing that crosses state borders gets put thorough several scans to make sure its not drugs or possibly poisonous material. its just a nice way to get a ticket and some jail time :wall:
r u sure that wat sure shot suggested wouldn't work? wat do u kno about these state to state scans? wats ur experience? not tryna put u down bro, just tryna help spread information : )
I dont know about that. I have sent it in a ziplock wrapped in tinfoil and then a dryer fabric fresherner thing around that. If it is scanned they cant tell what it is, and the fabric thing kills the smell. Somebody told me dogs dont like it.

I put a false return address and wrong name but right address. Then told him to expect it.

Well that worked for me.
bbq a whole skinned ham---like a twenty pounder. Take a fillet knife and cut a plug out down the bone. Hollow out a cavity and put your junk in---put the plug back---recover ham with pepper. Get dry ice, box, parishable label, and next day air it :)
I've gotten a 1/2 in the mail a couple times.....

My friend - who is in a band - wrapped the weed in like 3 sandwich bags.......wrapped that in duck-tape........wrapped that in some bubble shipping shit........and through in some of his CDs also.

The box was about a 4 inch cube....

We only did it twice....

It was his first harvest he was really proud of, and he wanted me to have some....he was a good friend.
im not sure about the shampoo thing...
but ive heard about the peanut butter
ive also heard about cutting the bottom off a candle...
hollowing it out... put ur shit in there...
put the bottom back on... use a lighter to melt it back together

nvr tried either ... just heard :lol:
they got the dogs walking through transit points at all major hubs after the anthrax stuff with 911. Dogs can smell out shit surrounded by gasoline---best way to hide stuff is in something a dog would want.
they got the dogs walking through transit points at all major hubs after the anthrax stuff with 911. Dogs can smell out shit surrounded by gasoline---best way to hide stuff is in something a dog would want.

indeed if you want to have the dogs not smell it then i heard onions fucks up a dogs sense of smell.

my friend got arrested for mailing bud. its a bad idea. but it isnt impossible. just a really dumb idea.
Only one problem shipping air with dry is now considered a HazMat material and forms with pic id have to be filled out at shipping point.