Main stem broke! Roma Tomato plant.


Well-Known Member
I have 8 roma tomato plants growing outside in a normal garden. We had INTENSE rains last night and a SHIT load of wind today... Well, I look at my plants today and one of my tomato plants has a broken stem, the main stem, not a branch or anything... I've put it in a split (pencil and tape) and attached it as well to a stake in the ground for extra support... I'm hoping for (best case scenario)... it somehow recovers and can give me even a handful of tomatos... or... should I just cut off stem where it split and see if it grows from there? The plant is about 1ft tall, maybe a little taller, and it broke at about the 6-8 inch mark of the stem... Figured I'd ask here in case this ever happens to any of my other "plants"... practice, ya know?

If pics are needed I'll post them, just figured this was detailed enough.

Any help is appreciated.


Well-Known Member
your splint should work. It may need extra support as it loads with fruit. I'm lazy and let my tomatoes sprawl on the ground. being water and nute hogs, I think it good to let it root away from the main root ball.


Well-Known Member
Well I'm going to get those tomato cages, it's just not very tall right now so I didn't think it was needed yet. The 7 others are fine. So as long as it heals, I'll just get those tomato cage things tomorrow and let eem grow.


Well-Known Member
Honestly, with 7 more, you should get plenty. I wouldn't fuss to much over it. If it was the only one, another story.
that being will prolly make it.