Maine Grow Advice?


New Member
Hi all, I’m fairly new to growing and I’m looking for some advice on how to grow properly in the North East (I live right around the corner from Augusta, Maine if it helps). When I grew last year(outdoor) I jumped right in without a lot of research and ended up having to wait until almost the end of October to harvest. I want to get into indoor growing, however, growing inside my house isn’t an option, but I do have a greenhouse and 10x20 foot ShelterLogic garage. Anyone have any advice on a little grow room set up for either of those? Or any advice on growing outdoor in Maine? Cheers!
Greenhouses can be a challenge in my opinion because they get so hot. I would just find an outdoor spot and plant them. You’ll just have to wait until the fall to harvest. Shorter days is what dictates the flowering, unless you want to grow some auto flowers outside. Sounds like that’s what you need to do if you want to harvest earlier.
Yeah, I had a bad experience with the greenhouse getting too hot last year. I have an auto in there right now that I'm planning on moving out after the last cold day of the season tomorrow. I also have 6 seedlings rn that I was planning on just planting in the ground and wait it out. Hopefully I can get a couple of decent auto harvests before the seasons done.