Mainline/manifolding questions!


First plant also been on veg for 2 weeks under a 600w hps is the plant not suitable for this or what am I doing wrong because the plant is so small?


Well-Known Member
You can find a mainline guide around here with a search and it will explain all. Soil compaction/poor aeration, pot size too big, soil always damp >slow root development could be the reason/s if you think you have slow growth.

My opinion if you care for it, mainlining is over rated, slows growth down a hell of a lot and will be even slower(or worse) if you also have root development problems.


You can find a mainline guide around here with a search and it will explain all. Soil compaction/poor aeration, pot size too big, soil always damp >slow root development could be the reason/s if you think you have slow growth.

My opinion if you care for it, mainlining is over rated, slows growth down a hell of a lot and will be even slower(or worse) if you also have root development problems.
Thanks FAM! Gonna look for the guide yeah i mightve been over watering the plant a little too much..