Mainlining question


Well-Known Member
image.jpg image.jpg Greetings all, I have a girl, 52 days from seed(38ish days of veg). Thankfully she seems to be doing well. My question is, what do I do with the growth tips that have little to no shot of getting light(zoomed in pic) through the canopy once she hits flower? Do I leave them, or are they just sapping energy that could be used for growth?
Thank you for your time

Analog Kid

The process you're talking about is called defoliation, mainlining takes place when the plant is small.
It looks like they are starting flowers down in the bottom I would leave them and tie the upper branches back a little bit so the light can penetrate. After a few weeks of flower and it's got a thick canopy I would start by the base of the plant and working my way up just pinch or snip off the little branches that aren't getting light. But i wouldn't cut just yet.