Major problem

I had an infestation of Thrips for the first time ever. Ive had spider mites before and found a way to deal with them by using a hotshot pest strip but those things are no good for thrips so unfortuneltly I had to deal with them as they were eating the crap out of my plants. I purchased and sprayed my plants thoroughly and the good news is I don't see anymore thrips, at least none I can see or find but the bad news is I think the spray might have burned my plants. I sprayed them about 5-6 hours prior to the lights coming on and by day 3 maybe 4 I started seeing adverse reactions. The plants are what looks like nute burned, the spray has a high concentration of sulfur so it may even be sulfur toxicity. Sorry but no pics at this time but I may be able to in the next day or two. The burn isn't horrible yet as its only affecting about 20 percent of some plants and about 35 percent of others. I sprayed the plants down with plain water today to try and wash off as much of the thrip killer as i could but obviously the damage is already done. WHAT DO I DO TO SAVE MY GIRLS, PLEASE HELP MY LADIES.


Well-Known Member
if it looks like nute burn are you shure its from the spray? the way foliar sprays usualy burn plants is when theres still drops of liquid on the leaves when the lights come on. the drops act like magnifying glasses, so the burn patern looks like splash marks burned into the plant (which is what it is). i saw something about it damadging some types of plants and i dont haave any exp with that product so idk if thats a possibility or not. the thips dmg shows up more a few days after they make it so thats a possibility as well. no photos so im just guessing here from what you told me.
anyways, if the damage is from the spraying then its a done deal. just give it time to recover.
i was hoping the same thing as far as giving it time to recover and hopefully it don't get any worse. tonight is my feeding night too so i will probably just give them straight h2o and no nutes just in case.