Make my own..


Well-Known Member
I will be doing an outdoor grow next year and i have bought a bunch of soil addaments to make my soil organic.. and the best it can be for my girls.. Also i wanted to try and make my own soil..

I wanted to know how much of what to mix into 9 (10 gallon holes..)

the supplies I have are:

-30L of Worm Castings
-35L of Humix Shrimp Compost
5x- 85L bags of Premier Pro-Mix, Potting and Seeding Mix
-18L of fine Wood Ash
don't forget perlite man especially since your using ash and worm castings those hold water and are fine particles that will compact as you water so you need some drainage and perlite will help with that so will sand. I know that you should use at the max 30% worm castings, and a good ratio for the wood ash is one ounce to every gallon of soil but it really depends on your soil ph if it is low say pH of 5 you would want to use more ash.
alright cool well the one ounce per gallon of soil is fine then so 10oz per hole. it never hurts to add perlite especially if your going with a high percentage of worm castings. 8 gallons of worm castings. 9 and a 1/4 gallon of ship compost. And you have approx 112.27 gallons of promix and 4.75 gallons of wood ash. so how many 10 gallon holes are you trying to fill? because you have 134.27 gallons of material wich is enough to fill approximatly 13.43 ten gallon holes unless you mix in some native soil which is a recommendation if you are growing outdoors so that the roots are aclimated to your soil if they do end up reaching past the hole you have dug for them.
there are 8oz in a cup so 1 and a 1/4 cup of wood ash per hole so basically just make sure that you have about 13x 1 1/4 cups of wood ash
so for each hole you have .7L of shrimp compost .6L of worm castings 1 1/4 cup of wood ash and which ends up being a little more that 1/3 of a gallon the rest would be 9 2/3 gallons of promix. which in all reality I would mix in at least 2 gallons of native soil per hole so you could go 7 2/3 =2 gallons native and adjust the quatity of wood ash based on the pH of your native soil.
alright thanks.. and yes i know i have extra.. it's just that i already had the supplies bought.. and i might make a fer extra holes..
well promix is pretty good stuff I hear and with those ratios it shouldnt be too hot but it will be good, what are you planing on useing for nutrients? try to get a hold of some rabbit or horse manure
i will be using some chicken manure also in the soil.. 2 shovel fulls per 10 gallion hole.. I will be also using Fox Farm Nutrients incase the plants need a boost half way through the summer i will be using BIG BLOOM, Tiger Bloom, and Grow Big....
i will be using some chicken manure also in the soil.. 2 shovel fulls per 10 gallion hole.. I will be also using Fox Farm Nutrients incase the plants need a boost half way through the summer i will be using BIG BLOOM, Tiger Bloom, and Grow Big....
cool sounds good I'm looking forward to spring as well unfortunately I have to wait until may but thats alright plenty of work to do inside until then.
yah it's the smae with me.. i plant outside in mid may.. but i do a month and a half veg inside before i put them out.. it takes me about a week to get them aclimated from the cfl it the real sunlight.. but at least it isn't at it's hotest that time of the year.