Make seeds grow faster?


Active Member
How can I speed up the growth of seeds. I cross polinated 6 females with 2 males and it's taking forever for seeds on 3 of my biggest plants to grow. I planted some other ones as an experiment in august and have way bigger seeds from them than I'm getting from these 3 big plants I planted in May. What could be holding them up? Seems like they stopped growing or slowed way way down. Is there a way to force them to grow? should I bend them, stick a rusty nail in them, dehydrate them and then hydrate them. I'm in the bay area, ca. I'm following the fertilizer schedule pretty much. They're big plants with thick buds.... it's just the seeds are so small. Any ideas to speed up their growth would be much appreciated.
You should make sure they have good growing conditions and nothing more. You can't speed things up no matter who says you can.