Makeshift Humidity Dome?!?! Ideas anyone?

I posted last night here: typical American fashion I got pissed when I didn't get an answer in 2 nanoseconds! ;)

I think, almost 100%, my issue is temp and humidity. If you check the first post temps range from 60-73, and humidity hovers around 30%, maybe 35 if I am lucky. I know I know, not good.

SO then, how or what can I use as a dome since I didn't order one when I got my bubble clone machine?

Are my clones done-zo? The tops are brown and crunchy, can they recover?

Thanks for any info folks!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I use pint glasses, 2L coke bottles cut in half, the clear case that comes with a 100 dvd-r spindle, anything that will let light through and is airtight. Pipeleaners/wire coat hangers and clingfilm if you really have to


Active Member
they might recover if you get some moisture into the air. a propagator can be purchased at any garden centre so that would be my first port of call. if your in the states they probs wont cost that much either.
hope they pull through for you.


Well-Known Member
@ hilowgrow, +rep i like cake, and i have used these before, although i dont use a cloner it still works great


Well-Known Member
You dont' want a dome on plants with roots, even if they are baby roots...just is what happens...the plant pretty much uses the leaves like straws and since it has no roots it has to live off what is stored in the leaves until it can grow it is like sucking all the planty goodness out of the leaves and making soon as the roots are large enough to start taking in nutes they will and those leaves will recover and if too far gone by that time they will just fall off, or disapear amidst the new growth...let me see if I can find you an example on one of my plants that has rooted and started looking not dead again...and I will take some in process so you can really see the difference.


Well-Known Member
Think back on the cotyledons when the seed first sprouts...those are just food stores until the plant has grown enough roots, and leaves to survive without them and they turn all yellow and weird, but the rest of the plant looks great...well the oldest leaves on the clone become the cotyledons...actually when your clone turns yellow like that it is what lets me know it is getting roots...Since I was cloning in just normal soil...good rates, sad looking clones...

Anyway the pics

In the below pics we have a clone that is growing looks like hell but in a few weeks it will be a whole awesome looking who cares? ...not this girl

This is a clone taken in flower, so excuse all the weirdo looking green leaves, do notice the weirdo yellowed leaves now covered by new growth...

same as above on different clone


Now these 2 are the best...those weird yellow speck things are all that is left of what this clone used to be...3 weeks ago I was about to just kill it because the top of it had already withered away, and all it had left were 2 half fan leaves that looked totally dead except right by the stem it was still green so I left it and the next morning it was growing a top from each side..and then it just started growing like crazy...3 weeks...for real. I keep calendars. I wish I had taken a pic of what the clone itself looked was maybe 2 inches tall, with bits of leaf left that were smaller than my thumb...if seedling grew fan leaves right out of the gate it would have looked like a fat ugly seedling, and now she is beautiful.


Anyway do not worry at far as my "research" shows this is normal and part of the process. Cloning is about the only thing I am just good at when it comes to growing this weed...I can always clone them, and I never kill them, I just like ICU injur them from time to time...Anyway I feel like everything else is hit or miss, but cloning I have down...then again some people have pretty I don't know...


Well-Known Member
But to answer your actual question...I have used just about everything...when cloning in dirt I put a ziploc baggie over the top of the cup and the clone within, an upside down drinking glass, bottle halves, and my best one yet...I made a cloner, I used to do hydro and I would just clip off a branch and stick it in another net pot in the same bucket with the plant it came off of and that always worked 100%, but then I switched to soil and it came time to I cut off a branch dipped it in rootone and stuck it in a dixie cup and put a baggie on it...almost always worked 89% or so...makes for some serious ugly clones...but the plants turn out alright...anyway seems like it just takes way way way longer in the I got a bucket from when I was doing DWC, and a water pump, used some PVC and put in some water sprayer things...drilled holes in the bucket and grabbed some neoprene collars...anyway put some cuttings in there...and they all wilted over...and I was like WHAT?! never had that happen and this way is supposed to make the healthiest fastest clones....?! Anyway, I took a kinda largish plastic bag that something for my recent upgrade to the tents came in, and I rolled it up a few times and put it on top of the bucket like a hat...just kinda loose...and in a few hours I took it off and all the clones were doing great and standing up and they have been ever since...a few started looking a little off and I checked and yep---they're getting roots. but anything clear that you can set over the plant can be a dome...


Well-Known Member
open a ziploc bag and set it on top of each one or 2...I used like the tiny 2 oz bathroom cups to clone in the soil and i would put the plant and all in the baggie with the cup and what not...but that stayed too wet, so I took away the baggie and the clones have just stopped looking like hell...they are revegging though, so it takes a good little while longer...I call triumph when I see the first root...because no matter how ugly it might get it is going to make it through.
Wowzers, color me satiated! Thanks everyone for the replies! Moreso to missnu! Thanks for taking time to give a shit about my babies! :) I like the idea of individual cups. I'll be picking up some at the store tonight!!! Thanks again to everyone, I feel better and can rest tonight w/o worry.

I seriously dreamt (did i use that word right?!?!? anyway) all night about yellow/brown leaves. I woke up a few times, each time remembering I was dreaming about damn clones. HAHAHAH, is that a good sign or not? :)

peace out ya'll