Making fem pollen from fem seeds

In my opinion STS works a lot better than colloidal silver and you don't need to spray it nearly as much... but yes. It's perfectly fine to make feminized seeds from feminized seed stock
Yes. I've done it numerous times. STS is the way to go. Make 2 clones of the female, reverse one, collect the pollen, and pollinate the other clone. I prefer to do it that way rather than just reversing 1 clone and pollinating a branch or 2 of the mother plant.
thanks for the info...I'm growing three autoflowers right now and thinking of trying to make some pollen with one of them. just don't know which one...I have a girl scout cookies extreme , gorilla glue and a bruce banner all autos from ilgm. Are certain strains easier to turn? Can/should I buy sts or should I make it myself and if so is there any info or links anyone has on making it? thanks again
Dissolve pouch 2 (1.7g Silver Nitrate) in 100 mL water to create a 0.1M stock solution. Prepare 0.02M (20mM) Silver Thiosulfate by adding 20 mL 0.1 M silver nitrate into 80 mL 0.1M sodium thiosulfate (or amounts in ration of 4 parts thiosulfate solution to 1 part silver nitrate solution).
thanks for the info...I'm growing three autoflowers right now and thinking of trying to make some pollen with one of them. just don't know which one...I have a girl scout cookies extreme , gorilla glue and a bruce banner all autos from ilgm. Are certain strains easier to turn? Can/should I buy sts or should I make it myself and if so is there any info or links anyone has on making it? thanks again

If you're growing auto's and you haven't already gotten things ready it might be too late to do with your current run. How old are the plants? You might be better off waiting until your next grow. Have everything ready and have researched what needs to be done. It's not a hard process but many people seem to fail. It's alway better to do something with a basic understanding of the process, why you're doing what you're doing etc... At least that's how I approach things I'm unfamiliar with.

The best thing to do is buy the chemicals and mix them yourself. The kits only reverse one or two plants. And all they do is mix some silver nitrate and sodium thiosulfate solution in two different containers and then have you mix those together. If you buy the chemicals you can have enough to reverse dozens of plants for about the same price and the only difference is that you mix the silver nitrate and sodium thiosulfate with water yourself and then mix the two together. And you have enough to last for years. I've done well over a dozen reversals in the last few years with chemicals I paid $50 for and I still have enough to reverse dozens more plants.

If you're in the US you can get the chemicals at a number of places. In Canada they're available as well. Other countries it may not be possible to acquire them. I have links to the chemicals if you want them.

There are several threads on this forum that have all the information you need to mix STS and reverse a female cannabis for the purpose of producing feminized pollen.

Here is one.

Sorry to disturb. In my opinion CS is more user friendly. Get some 40 ppm CS (not 20 ppm for oral use), and when flowering starts, use it once a day for at least 4 to 5 days. CS is inhibitor for female hormones, so the male hormones prevail. You may spray a bud or a branch or the whole plant, depends on the quantity of seeds you desire. However, i would not cross one plant with itself.
If you're growing auto's and you haven't already gotten things ready it might be too late to do with your current run. How old are the plants? You might be better off waiting until your next grow. Have everything ready and have researched what needs to be done. It's not a hard process but many people seem to fail. It's alway better to do something with a basic understanding of the process, why you're doing what you're doing etc... At least that's how I approach things I'm unfamiliar with.

The best thing to do is buy the chemicals and mix them yourself. The kits only reverse one or two plants. And all they do is mix some silver nitrate and sodium thiosulfate solution in two different containers and then have you mix those together. If you buy the chemicals you can have enough to reverse dozens of plants for about the same price and the only difference is that you mix the silver nitrate and sodium thiosulfate with water yourself and then mix the two together. And you have enough to last for years. I've done well over a dozen reversals in the last few years with chemicals I paid $50 for and I still have enough to reverse dozens more plants.

If you're in the US you can get the chemicals at a number of places. In Canada they're available as well. Other countries it may not be possible to acquire them. I have links to the chemicals if you want them.

There are several threads on this forum that have all the information you need to mix STS and reverse a female cannabis for the purpose of producing feminized pollen.

Here is one.

Thank you and yes I would like to have those links please and thanks again.
Sorry to disturb. In my opinion CS is more user friendly. Get some 40 ppm CS (not 20 ppm for oral use), and when flowering starts, use it once a day for at least 4 to 5 days. CS is inhibitor for female hormones, so the male hormones prevail. You may spray a bud or a branch or the whole plant, depends on the quantity of seeds you desire. However, i would not cross one plant with itself.
I tried with 30 ppm CS but pretty sure I started way too late. I will be trying again CS again with one of the three I have in the tent now. A girl scout cookies extreme auto, a gorilla glue auto, and a bruce banner auto, all about 15 or 16 days old.
Sorry to disturb. In my opinion CS is more user friendly. Get some 40 ppm CS (not 20 ppm for oral use), and when flowering starts, use it once a day for at least 4 to 5 days. CS is inhibitor for female hormones, so the male hormones prevail. You may spray a bud or a branch or the whole plant, depends on the quantity of seeds you desire. However, i would not cross one plant with itself.
What do you mean by more user friendly? In my opinion it's easier to make STS than it is to make CS, and the STS method is more reliable.

0.5g Silver Nitrate mixed in 500ml water; 2.5g Sodium Thinsulate mixed in a separate container of 500ml water. Slowly add the 500ml silver mixture to the sodium mixture, to make a stock solution. Dilute this stock solution with water at a 1:7 ratio, as a final solution to spray plants with. Should be enough to reverse at least a hundred plants.
i havre a 3 leafed med gom 1.0 oim hopeing wuill continue to produce 3 stems and 3 sets of leaves per head


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If you want reliable CS you need to make it yourself which isn't hard. If you want to make things easier then get some silver nitrate and sodium thiosulfate and mix it yourself in five minutes when you need it.
after reading up on it a bit, ive come to this very conclusion, just a shame i wasted the money on the 20ppm solution instead of silver nitrate and sodium thiosulphate, thank you
Thank you and yes I would like to have those links please and thanks again.

If you want reliable CS you need to make it yourself which isn't hard. If you want to make things easier then get some silver nitrate and sodium thiosulfate and mix it yourself in five minutes when you need it.
speaking of making it yourself...any chance on those links to chemicals you mentioned before?? thanks again
after reading up on it a bit, ive come to this very conclusion, just a shame i wasted the money on the 20ppm solution instead of silver nitrate and sodium thiosulphate, thank you

CS works and I'm not knocking it. In fact I reversed many plants in the past with CS. I've just found that STS is easier and I've gotten better results with it.