making hash after harvest


Active Member
when it comes time to chop the plant was is the best way to store the leaves/trim/cuttings and stems to make hash with them.

How much stems do u need weight wise to make a decent amount of hash? stems are thick would be nice to make some hash with the stems.. REAL new to this. THanks for all input!


Active Member
Dry, air tight, away from light. If it will be some time, then freeze it. You do that with bubble hash anyways.


Well-Known Member
I wish my other grow buddy was on this thread, he'd tell you how, but I do know that he uses EVERY piece of leftovers to make hash, trimmings, stems, main stalk, all of it. Never watched him do it, but it comes out pretty nice.


Well-Known Member
shoulden`t really worry about stems, but keep them anyways, it is the trim that you mainly want. Like the other guy said, 100g of trim and whatnot is a good start. I have always went with bubble bags to make my hash, and recently just did the gumby hash method not too long ago, this way is very easy and could do it with run of the mill items. just youtube these methods if you don`t already know how.