Making Hash? Estimate needed..


Active Member
Hey everyone i have a ?? im giving 2 whole plant clippings stems and all plus trimming off of 7 still living plants alittle over a regular grocery bag full..Im giving this to someone who has the 5 bag system for hash but my ??? is about how much is he gonna be able to get, being that im getting half....Thanks guys and gals:joint::peace:

Fire One Up

Active Member
1/10 out of trimmings, higher for buds (so 10 grams trim to 1 gram hash). I use a 10 bag system and thats around average


Active Member
bubble hash is going to depend on the quality of the trim or buds genral rule of thumb is 6 to 10 grams for every 100 grams of trim/bud just make shure u dnt use a blender with a cutting blade if ur going to do it with blender make shure its just regular beaters , i perfer not to use a blender/beater thing it rips the leaf up and leaves the water green ,,, and a wierd taste in the hash to me,, just when u put it into the bags make shure u use lots of ice layering it ice trim ice trim and stir for as long as u can and then let it sit and then stir again, then drain it out keep it cold as possible helps the resin heads break free from the ice,, aand i dnt recomend throwing any stems in or shade leaf the stems can rip the micron screen and the shade leaf the thrics will get caught up on them also so use good input material take ur time and enjoy hope this helps a little


Active Member
no doubt didnt kow about the stems and shade leaves so what do i do with the stems stalks whatever make tea???How do u do this if thats what i should do with them...these trimmings r of Dinafem Haze auto and a Buddah seeds prob looking at 3-5 grams of hash then realistically...Thanks everyone for the help..


Active Member
whats the wieght of the trim and i like to dry my trim completly then when i go to use i will mist it all and freeze it the ice acumalation will help the resin gland come of the leaf


Active Member
no idea boss just threw it into a grocery bag but its def wet just cut...Well he has it now and is gonna do it tomorrow so ill be able to give u guys the numbers then unless u have to wait for it to be ready..Sorry never made hash before so i have no idea about the process or anything...