Making Hash Oil Question?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, not 110% if this is the best place to put it but best could find.. anyways km thinking of mking eother some plain jane homemade hash as done in past, or hash oil which ive never done, now mh main question ks for the filtration process can i use 40% reg vodka rathar thn everclear as they dont sell that in canada, would be a great backup as dont wanna use actual alcohol as that could end up with a nasty tasting product, any help would be great, thanks


Well-Known Member
Filtration process?

You really dont wanna use that to extract with all the water, youll get a dirty product.
I know a few guys around here are in canada and have gotten it, you may have to get it shipped online. Or try an isopropanol extract if thats easier to find, thats my personal favorite.


Well-Known Member
alright thanks lot man, also does the isopropanol leave a nice good taste afterwards ya say? will see if cam get everclear theres quite a bit of liquid restrictions usually in shipping though


Well-Known Member
If you use 99% iso, and you evaporate it correctly, there won't be any residual taste. Butane works too.