Making Hash


Active Member
Hey Guys,

The first time I made hash I did it by putting the trimmings in a mason jar with ice and water and shaking it up for a while then pouring it into a coffee filter to strain it and I ended up with a very small amount of hash. Maybe the size of a marble or so.

I was super new to doing anything like this and watched a video on youtube that showed this technique so I tried it.

I know now there are many ways of doing it. I went with the dry ice hash technique the next few grows since it is easy and I only grow 2 plants at a time and making bubble hash with only 2 small plants of trim seems like a waste. I was going to do it once with 1 gallon bags but could not get the bags to fit into a 1 gallon bucket correctly.

Anyway, my question is. Every time I have had hash in the past it was always like a hard gooey piece with amber coloring. When I made it myself in the water the first time it was the same way...But when I make dry ice hash it is like golden powder. Which is fine because it still does the job. I know it is just Keef at this point, but Hash is really just Keef in another form...Correct?

So I am wondering how I can take this Dry Ice Hash that I have and turn it into the Hash I know...The hard gooey amber stuff.

1 friend told me to wrap it in cellophane and put it in the oven for about 10 minutes and it would melt and form into the hash I am talking about. Then my other friend said to mix it up with rubbing alcohol and let it sit until the alcohol evaporated and it would do the trick.

I am pretty sure both of them have never done either of the things they are talking about so I wanted to ask you guys before I did anything with my Dry Ice Keef collection.

Any ideas??

I know both the powder I have and the hard amber stuff is the same thing just in different forms, but I am a curious person and want to learn as much as I can.

Thanks a lot for any suggestions


Well-Known Member

I wouldn't use a hair straightener though. Use a frying pan at low heat and smash it down with a spatula.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, don't compress your hash if it's for personal use.

It turns brown and solidifies like that because as you compress the kif, you rupture the trichome heads and the oil inside binds the material together.

IMO, keeping the trichome heads intact makes for a better, more controllable high and the kif stays fresher longer.

Uncompressed kif is also much more versitile to use than compressed hash and you can pick you dosage easier. I need to do small hits because of coughing issues, kif is perfect for that. Compressed hash expands in your lungs much more than uncompressed and you cough big time.

Just some stoned insomniac thoughts....