making it taste good...


Active Member
alright... so this is my first grow, i have a lot of regrets, but i have also learned a lot.

i know for a fact that my bud is probably gonna taste funny because i used miracle grow, which yielded great results as far as growth and health (used very moderately)... but these chems are gonna be in mah smoke, right? so it's gonna taste like that?

my main question is what can i do to make my bud taste super duper? i'm still a month or so from harvest, still using MG bloom booster(half doses) and it's an unknown strain, i'll put pics up later if needed..


Active Member
FLUSH FLUSH FLUSH!! Use PH'd Water ONLY for the last 10 days of life.... Then make sure you dont rush the drying process...


Active Member
yah thanks dude. so it's not too late... very good..

so like... flushing is just dumping loads of water into her? i don't wanna drown her?

i'm gonna use the search function on flushing!

-after searching-

alright 1 gal of water or until water runs out of my pot semi-rapidly, repeat when soil is dry.

love the search function, just didn't know the word i needed to search

Bayou bud

Active Member
if she is mature or near maturation then dont worry about the amount of water. You want the ppm/EC of the water dumping out hte bottom to be the same as what you put in. For example I use RO so I flush until 0ppm water comes out the bottom. Good rule of thumb, pH 5x the amount of total gal the bucket the plants are in. For Ex: 1 gal bucket needs 5gal water flushing it on average. Flush it for 10 days for decent nutes, but if you are looking back on the life of the plant and you are worried about flavor... flush twice as long. I starved a plant to see what would happen if I doubled its flush time. IT WAS THE BEST TASTING BUD EVER. Miracle grow will make it taste harsh and give you a cough possibly. Just flush and don't worry about root rot. The end of her life will come before any negative affects of root rot will start to present themselves.


Active Member
sweet i've been using a wonderful idea given to me by my uncle... air-conditioner run-off in a 5 gallon bucket! it's moisture pulled from the humid air here. it's actually super clear and clean smelling water.. my plant likes it... i'll flush with that it stays ~6 PH naturally

Bayou bud

Active Member
Very interesting method for your flush. Hmm. I wonder if there would be any negative repercussions from using that water. Let me know how that works man!


Well-Known Member
Search up on drowning prior to harvest, this will assist you in getting the best tasting herb.



Active Member
It can be tough to get good tasting bud. First thing is to get it a sweetener or feed it molasses while flowering (this is probably more optional than necessary... but it helps). Second thing is to not go overboard on feeding it, especially nitrogen, while flowering. Third thing is to flush with plenty of water or with a flushing aid (like florakleen) over a few to several days. Fourth thing is a good dry and cure.


Active Member
really, thanks a lot everyone....

definitely gonna get some br'er rabbit molasses.. seems harmless enough

even though its a ways away i'm gonna study the fuck out of curing, seems to be a pretty important part to me..