Making things undetectable - IR cameras


Active Member
I am wondering how you block IR cameras from seeing anything... You know, the ones used to find grow ops by the police... Does using LED lights prevent that because there's less heat??


Well-Known Member
They emit less heat but the heat tends to build up in the room and still looks hot. If you are scared of police helicopters, vent your hot air into the ceing out of your room. It will make the whole roof look hot and there is no way to pinpoint a hot room. I would not vent outside as FLIR cameras will see a steady stream of heat coming out of a vent and if it is not a dryer vent may cause some suspicion.

cookie master

Well-Known Member
Its illegal to use flir to catch you. They use it to confirm once you are already under investigation and they have a warrant.
I have a street lined with 1000 hps lamps, they dont fly around looking for a heat source. In cali its so bad they fly over huge illegal outdoor gardens and dont do shit because they are too busy.
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Well-Known Member
in FL they still use choppers and FLIR Cameras to help obtain a warrant. They have to have probable cause and then they go to the judge to get the order to use FLIR.

Dr. John Hopkins

Active Member
You should be fine.

Flir is useless during the day and just cannot work, so if your flowering room is switched on during the day and goes off at night youre sweet.

If venting out a window then it will look like a white fountain spewing out.

if one room is lit up from the windows, and all the other rooms are cold, that can raise suspicion as well.

Insulated curtains with Ply wood and a vent turned sideways stops the fountain from pouring directly outside.

Here is one of the top suppliers of FLIR imaging that may give you a heads up on info, and they also have an app and accessory you can purchase yourself.


Well-Known Member
out to in - steel siding, tar paper, R30, FBF, tar paper, plywood....thats what I did. must work too because I never had any visits from the flir police.:P


Well-Known Member
Where I am most ppl have servers in there houses so the cops don't bother using flir nut that's because of the huge tech boom for the past few decades. Now with prop64 cops can't do much.