Making tincture with moldy bud?

Despite my best efforts, I lost some bud to mold this year during drying and curing—exactly the wrong weather lead to early harvest and then very warm and damp conditions in my drying room. It was some really nice hindu kush. Sad face, but I still have some great sour diesel and mendo purps.

It's not the end of the world to just toss it and say it was a lesson learned, but does anyone have an *informed* opinion about making a tincture with it? Everclear ought to kill all of the mold and spores, but the question is whether it will potentially still carry toxins? Fwiw, the mold was all white, much like aspergillus mold on bread. None of the really nasty black stuff.


Well-Known Member
I'd recommend putting those buds through a water cure before using them for anything.

I had moldy buds in my last harvest and that's what I did and it worked perfectly. You'll just lose the smell on the buds and taste too. I've smoked with the water cured buds and I get high just the same. I'm gonna make some tincture too once I get the right alcohol.

I don't know if you can just put the moldy buds in the alcohol and everything will be ok in the end. I have read others claim that you can use the moldy buds in butter and the cooking takes care of anything bad but I've never done it so I can't confirm anything. I would rather just water cure anything moldy before using them since that seems to get rid of all of the mold.