Male? , Female? Or Too Early To Tell?


Active Member
K, so ive had this plant on 18/6 for about just over a month "maybe" even two , ive read online that some plants show sex really early and some take time , but i was just woundering what you guys might think this is , its probably just new growth , but i thought id ask anyway , any info will help.

Thank You!



Well-Known Member
Doen't look at all like a male, looks like its way too early to tell. there is no sign of sex yet, those are not pollen sacks, they are just new growth. Needs more time.


Well-Known Member
Doen't look at all like a male, looks like its way too early to tell. there is no sign of sex yet, those are not pollen sacks, they are just new growth. Needs more time.
Looks likes pollen sacs right behind the stipule. If it where new growth I dont think it would be so round looking. bongsmilie


Doen't look at all like a male, looks like its way too early to tell. there is no sign of sex yet, those are not pollen sacks, they are just new growth. Needs more time.
Sorry, not true. Time to move on because this is definitely a male plant.


Well-Known Member
Do what you want, but theres no way i would consider that a male until i had definitive proof, there is no harm in letting it grow out more until you absolutely know for sure. IMO its too early to tell and if i had a dollar for every FEMALE plant I saw that looked like your picture I would be a millionaire.


Active Member
I'm going with NoDrama on this one. First , the picture is not clear enough quality to tell for sure. To me, that looks like new growth, yes it looks pretty round, but that does not mean that they are pollen balls. I have been growing 14 plants for exactly 44 days (same as the poster) and they have been on 18/6 since sprouting (same as poster). Not one of my fourteen plants have even begun to try to show there sex yet, it's simply too early. Unless there are other plants right next to it, there is no reason to kill it. If you are that worried about it, separate it from the others or section it off for another few months until you can figure out the sex.

....and as for everyone else...stop trying to make the man kill his plant when it's obviously inconclusive by that picture bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I'm going with NoDrama on this one. First , the picture is not clear enough quality to tell for sure. To me, that looks like new growth, yes it looks pretty round, but that does not mean that they are pollen balls. I have been growing 14 plants for exactly 44 days (same as the poster) and they have been on 18/6 since sprouting (same as poster). Not one of my fourteen plants have even begun to try to show there sex yet, it's simply too early. Unless there are other plants right next to it, there is no reason to kill it. If you are that worried about it, separate it from the others or section it off for another few months until you can figure out the sex.

....and as for everyone else...stop trying to make the man kill his plant when it's obviously inconclusive by that picture bongsmilie
Its not obviously inconclusive by that picture ! It's a male. :blsmoke:
But hey man let it sit in veg and grow, he can keep you company.


Active Member
Its not obviously inconclusive by that picture ! It's a male. :blsmoke:
But hey man let it sit in veg and grow, he can keep you company.
How many plants do you know that absolutely 100% show their sex after 30-40 days of 6-hour nights? Last time I checked, cannabis either needs much longer nights or a lot more than 35 6-hour nights in order to go into the pre-flowering stage.

....and I forgot how hard it is to keep a weed-plant growing for another month or two. It's most likely possible for this guy to either move the plant to another room or section it off (if he even has more than this plant), if he really thinks it's a male.

....I'm not saying it's definitely a male or a female, I'm saying it's too early. And if it is possible to temporarily move it, than that's obviously the safest choice. If you think it is a male, than say that. But don't push the man to kill his plant, that's his decision. :blsmoke:
you dont have to kill the male you can make some hash out of it for personal use but thats up to you man but yeat thats a male sorry...


Well-Known Member
How many plants do you know that absolutely 100% show their sex after 30-40 days of 6-hour nights? Last time I checked, cannabis either needs much longer nights or a lot more than 35 6-hour nights in order to go into the pre-flowering stage.

....and I forgot how hard it is to keep a weed-plant growing for another month or two. It's most likely possible for this guy to either move the plant to another room or section it off (if he even has more than this plant), if he really thinks it's a male.

....I'm not saying it's definitely a male or a female, I'm saying it's too early. And if it is possible to temporarily move it, than that's obviously the safest choice. If you think it is a male, than say that. But don't push the man to kill his plant, that's his decision. :blsmoke:
I respect Your Opinion. :peace:
My Kush is already showing sex (female) and it's only been 33 days.
All a plant needs is 0-6 hrs of dark until mature. Some mature early some take more than 6 weeks to mature. Once mature they will show sex. And those are not leafs, them be balls.


Active Member
im at 63 days in 24/0 and one of my plants has preflowers all over it... sometimes sex shows in the veg stage, I would have to say it looks like a male to me, but take some better pictures of the round villans so we can have a better look :leaf:


Active Member
Thanks for all the feedback guys lol , i removed it from my grow , and luckly i got more then one plant , but i just put that one back in my woods and im gonna let it grow for a bit just to make sure , i just set up a new grow opp in my basement so im not to worried about one male "if it is a male" witch it more then likly is , ill prolly have more males too , but i guess thats what you get for growing random bagseed right lol , thank you for all your opinions and i will take more pics of it later on in its growth , the only reason why i was so worried it was a male was because it was my only BC Big Bud seed and i babied the shit out of it lol , but oh well , thats life cant always get what you want :P , peace out fellow RIU's keep tokin!


Active Member
I respect Your Opinion. :peace:
My Kush is already showing sex (female) and it's only been 33 days.
All a plant needs is 0-6 hrs of dark until mature. Some mature early some take more than 6 weeks to mature. Once mature they will show sex. And those are not leafs, them be balls.
Thank you :peace: That's awesome that your plant is already showing its gender. Nice to hear that it's Kush too! For my next grow, I definitely want to get my hands on some short, quick flowering stuff. They must be popular, because a bunch of seed sites always rank plants like 'Low Ryder' as their top sellers.

As for the OP, you should definitely focus a little more on the next picture....or just don't get so blazed before you try to take the picture haha :eyesmoke: