Male flower showing late in flowering


Active Member
ok i'm just about done with my first indoor try. friday feb 12th will be 9 weeks. i just noticed a couple of male bananas on my big buds. any reason to worry this late in the game? how long after a banana shows up do you have before they will mess up your crop? thanks.


Active Member
Just pick off all the male flowers you can find and hope for the best. Since you're so near the end you should be fine.
Banana flowers are a lady's last ditch effort to procreate, and usually results from some kind of stress (although some strains are prone) so look for any issues that might be causing this: less light than 12/12, too much light/over 12/12, high heat, large temp drops between lights on and off, nute/ph issues. That said, save your little bananas, dry them, and store them in a baggie, and on another plant of the same strain, late in flowering, gently brush pollen on lower buds. You will then get feminized seeds, i.e., seeds that will produce female plants. I like to do this every so often so I've got a bank of seeds from a strain I like, and true to claims, feminized seeds produce more than 90-95% female plants.


Well-Known Member
Give you plant another 'once over' and make sure there's no more of those forming. If none opened up, should be fine.

I've had my share of hermies and it sucks.