MaLe Or FeMaLE? Gotta know


Active Member
:wall: Hey my girl back home been growing this plant since May and she sorta thinks its a hermaphrodite but like im still hoping its female. we both are newbs to growing so we dont kno the signs of sex. when i go home to visit we planned on harvesting it but if its male or a hermaphrodite is that even possible?

Male or female plz hurry with a reply.



Well-Known Member
that is the ugliest dude i have ever seen. you can try to make hash out of it. wash that pollen down with bleach or you will get pollinated plants your next grow.


Active Member
Thanks alot even thought that was some real bad stuf im hearing. guess she gotta start over.


Well-Known Member
Can you take a closeup of the area I circled? Kinda looks like a herm but its a bit far away.

