Male or Female or too early?


Well-Known Member
hey its on day 11 of flower anyone got a clue?


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Pictures are too blurry, not close up enough on the nodes. This is where you wanna look (where the node meets the main stem). A female flower, or single calyx, looks just like a cone with two [white] hairs protruding. A male flower looks like a sac of balls.

Don't be confused by the green 'hairs' on the base of the stem at each branch (node), those are not flowers or pre-flowers.
Looks like a male judging from the little green hair sticking out the side of the preflower. Pistils would usually have already appeared on a preflower that size.

Get yourself some closer shots next time.


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thanks for input, ill get a closer shot tonight, in the dark period atm. I suck at working digi cameras lol.

My guess was male anyways, i just wanted to be sure.

*edit* here is a better pic i forgot to include up top. I'll still add more tonight.


  • DSCN1620.jpg
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Looks like a male judging from the little green hair sticking out the side of the preflower. Pistils would usually have already appeared on a preflower that size.

Get yourself some closer shots next time.

shouldnt really call that a hair or your going to confuse ppl..only a female pistil will produce a "hair" and a male pollen sack has little leaf type things surrounding it that i dont know the exact name of and dont really look like hairs...also the pistil IS the preflower if its female, a preflower doesnt grow a pistil..preflower is just a term for an action not an actual piece of anatomy, so its a pistil whether its in a bud or down at the node as an early indicator of sex...i know what you mean if a preflower is that big and you dont have white hairs yet its probably male, just elaborating tho...
shouldnt really call that a hair or your going to confuse ppl..only a female pistil will produce a "hair" and a male pollen sack has little leaf type things surrounding it that i dont know the exact name of and dont really look like hairs...also the pistil IS the preflower if its female, a preflower doesnt grow a pistil..preflower is just a term for an action not an actual piece of anatomy, so its a pistil whether its in a bud or down at the node as an early indicator of sex...i know what you mean if a preflower is that big and you dont have white hairs yet its probably male, just elaborating tho...

There is nothing else i can call it if i don't know the name of it. "Hair" was the
most descriptive name i could think of. I included the picture so people
would know what i am talking about. If i found the real name for it which
is probably some strange Latin word, i'd still have to call it a hairlike

And i've course the pistils are part of the preflower. That's kind of obvious. That's why i used the
word "Appeared on the preflower." Not "Grew."

*edit* here is a better pic i forgot to include up top. I'll still add more tonight.

Still looks male. You need closeups of the
actual preflower for second opinions.

Look at the very top of the plant and look for multiple growth in one place. Behind the stipule would
probably be where you'll find em'.
Change the aperture to like f 2.5 or 2.8, try changing to a faster shutter speed if you can't hold the camera really still (~1/125 or 1/180) and use the macro if available (looks like a flower usually). Try it with the flash off if you can get good lighting in the room without it. Get up in there and take a bunch of practice shots until you get it, you should be able to see the detail in relatively high quality right on the LCD of the digital camera.