Male or Female?.


Vegged this plant for 28 days, day six of flowering.
It's lookin legit as hell too :bigjoint: but i have mixed
feelings on the sex. You tell me.
Srry my camera phones weak haa.



Active Member
from that pic id say definatly male bro.
but give it a few more days.
i just got 2 of 4 males and was heart broken so i feel for you.
with a female there will be no bulg of green whatsoever it will be an unmistakeable white hair if its anything but that its a male


That's waccckkk... Moment of silence...
No wonder she looked so beast,
she was a he!. Ha i'ma give her a day or 2 and see
what's good. Thank you guys!. I think?. haa jk

-A Stoner


Active Member
ya i feel ya man had my last batch turn male besides 1/8 i started with. bad luck huh. you will definitly be able to tell a female once you get one, i was always worried before i knew, but i can easily tell the difference now. and ya the males usually get bigger then females because they grow higher to pollenate down on the sucks but the females will look more beautiful and catch up on growth during flowering.


Well-Known Member
If that's the only plant you have growing, I'd definitely wait until you know for sure. No harm in waiting until you see the actual bananas/male clusters. Based on what I see in that photo, I couldn't tell either way. What looks like a male part could be a calyx. Best of luck!


Well-Known Member
cant tell yet, give it a week or 2, it cannot make pollen till its balls and sacks have formed and matured, so their is absolutely no chance it will pollinate any other plants. wait till your 100% sure its male.


For suree, i have another plant that's growin' mighty strong.
And I know for dayumm sure she's a she cus she's already got the pistols poppin';))
She's about to be 7days into flowering,1st grow was a good one except for this male.
Needless to say,, he wont be with us for much longer;(