Male or Female?


New Member
Hi everyone. I've been growing for about 4 months now. I'm at flowering stage and I believe two of my plants are showing sex, I just want to make sure.

The first three photos, I believe this plant is female, am I right ? This one is from a clone, its mother is still vegging. It's not a big plant, since I've placed it on 12/12 right after it rooted. Are those buds?

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The plant in the photo below is a male, right ? If so, do I remove it from the grow room and destroy it? This plant is grown from seed.


Well-Known Member
Yes, you've got a flowering female plant and yes you have a male that should be removed.


New Member
Thank you both for the quick replies. Male destroyed. Since the female is proof that her parent is also female, I just took 3 more clones off her, coated them with Clonex and planted them in soil.

How long do you suppose the flowering clone will take until harvest time? Aside from 12/12 lighting and light nutes in the water, is there anything else I should do at this point, or do I just let it flower, maybe mist it at times?

About the mother, she's rather large by now (been vegging for 3 months+) and I want to move her into the flowering area tomorrow. Is that ok, considering I just took 3 cuttings from her?

And finally, since you guys have seen the flowering plant, what strain is it ? I've looked up threads and I believe she's an Indica, am I right here you think ?

Sorry for the multiple questions, but I'm really glad to finally succeed in getting a girl into flower, and I wanna get things as close to right as possible.

Thank you all for helping


Well-Known Member
Yes, I would say she is an indica from what I see ( no guarantee there )....if it was me, I'd flower the Mother and veg the clones. You'll want a different strain by the time you grow/chop/partake of what you now have.