Male or Female?


Active Member
So I usually smoke on the back patio, and break my bud out back there. When I get some seeds, I usually just throw them in the yard and joke to myself that a plant will start to grow.

Well, I checked back and there are two plants growing strong. They are both around 12-15 inches tall, and have plenty of leaves.

I know that I should only keep the females, and looked at the guides for what to look for when you are sexing them. The problem is, I see both the female pistils, and the male ones, so I have no idea if I should just get rid of them or try and keep them if they are females.

Is there any other way to tell a male from a female than shown in that "famous" picture that I keep seeing all over the web?


Well-Known Member
they could be herms which means they have both male and female pistils. This is bad as it will pollinate itself. Best thing to do is get some pics up and someone will be able to tell you.


Well-Known Member
if they're both the same i'd keep them growing. if they're herm you'll still get some smokeable weed. if only one is male/herm then you should pull it. IMO.


Well-Known Member
you need to get some close up pics of all the plants and then someone on here will be able to help you out. theres also guides on telling if its male or female or even hermie