MALE Plant - Identification!


Well-Known Member
Ok I got one opinion on this plant and my fear was confirmed, we believe it to be male and I would like some more expert opinions, if you would be kind enough to examine the attached files and let me know if those are balls forming that would be greatly appreciated.

Note: Not the greatest pictures as I'm still learning the camera.

If these are males I'm sad to say I have at least two others that are looking the same, these are three out of six of my healthiest plants, as of now I'm hoping for at least one girl out of six, I would like to be at least able to clone so that it wont be a complete waste of time and money, although the experience was needed.

Opinions needed, the first pic is of course the suspected male and the other is just a pic of all six plants, feel free to post pics of your preflowers as well.


Well-Known Member
They say that males show first...
It looks like a male to me, sorry buddy.
I would let them go for another few days at least just to make 100% sure.


Well-Known Member
I was trying to capture my preflowers (no success yet) but I found a video mode called compact and now I'm starting a video page, check out my plants, would be a shame if they all turned out to be males.

I'm going to give them another week or so and in that time hopefully I will learn the camera better and capture a good shot of me preflowers.

Wish Me Luck!


Well-Known Member
I really couldn't see much so i really cant help out on the sex, but my males did show sex 5 days before the females and they just so happened to be the biggest and best looking may they R.I.P. also a trick I used to get close ups was putting a 10X magnifying glass in front of my camera (it took a bunch of pics from diff ranges till I found the right distance) but it worked for me. BTW lookin GOOD

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
looks male to me.... checking video now

BTW - i reallly like you set up!! :)

side lighting on those mofos will do wonders during flowering!!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks Garden, I plan on adding some side lighting as soon as I find out the sex's I need to make room for the side lights.

It's not looking good for me so far and I'm still having trouble getting a decent preflower picture, I took a picture today of another plant and this is the only plant that looks different to me, I'm thinking maybe the only female, I don't know, please see attachments.

Also say if I do only end up with one girl, could I practice cloning on the male plants? as I've never cloned before and I wouldn't want to mess up me only girl.

Click images to view them full size!

Any advise as to what sex this plant may be?



Well-Known Member
I think it looks like it might posibly be a female... ... ... but possibly male tomorow or the day after will tell you.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
FEMALE.... i see white hairs!!!!


WAIT A MINUTE...... fook... those aren't hairs.. are they... those are stipules?

man, i hope they are female.. they are HEALTHY as a mofo...


Well-Known Member
I think it's a male, but that's just an opinion. shit I was asking the same question last week. Both my males had the same claw looking things (no clue what its called) about a week before the balls showed up.



Well-Known Member
I'm soo Excited! Take a look at the following picture and tell me that's not a cunt hair?

I'm so happy right now I'm shaking, please tell me that's a cunt hair?

Ribbet29 Nice job on enlarging my image it looks more clear that a way, thanks for the tip.


Well-Known Member
Ok it looks like the remaining 4 are boys, please take a look at the the attachments and help me confirm this.


Well-Known Member
males what u gonna do
thats my opinion because i dont see pistils
As I stated before I plan on using the males for practicing cloning and iv'e already started, I got pictures in my journal if interested.

No I'm not on 12/12 I'm waiting until I'm able to tell all sex and clone some successfully before I start flowering.