-Male plant turned my females into Hermies?


I had my first male plant which I didn't realize it was till it was to late.All were suppose to be female seeing I have had goo success with this seed band.Anyways I removed the male plant too late and everything was looking good on my females.Buds were growing nice until I noticed the buds had started to produce seeds.Was pissed.Question is is the plants gonna still be worth smoking when harvested?I have Bruce banner and Lambs Bread growing.Back in the day I remember weed with seeds that still got you baked.Googled and say yes just not as potent.Anyone ever smoke a hermie?
I had my first male plant which I didn't realize it was till it was to late.All were suppose to be female seeing I have had goo success with this seed band.Anyways I removed the male plant too late and everything was looking good on my females.Buds were growing nice until I noticed the buds had started to produce seeds.Was pissed.Question is is the plants gonna still be worth smoking when harvested?I have Bruce banner and Lambs Bread growing.Back in the day I remember weed with seeds that still got you baked.Googled and say yes just not as potent.Anyone ever smoke a hermie?
Yes it's worth smoking and you could also make hash or edibles.
It's not hermied, it just got pollinated. Yes, the weed will still get you high. You'll just wanna pick out the seeds prior to smoking.
Ok thanks man.Good to know!Buds are looking great otherwise.Guess I will have to break out the old double album covers to de seed like the old days.lol
Yeah females will almost never go hermi if there is a male around.
Just like us sexual frustration is a major stresser on these lady's once the got pollen on them it is pointless to expend the energy to change sex so they can produce their own.

You will now have Bruce banner or lambs breath F2
Bruce bannerxlambs breath F1 seeds.
I don't personally want non feminized seeds but banner x lamb's breath sounds dank AF in my book. Please grow some out or find a pheno hunter that will.

Also I've been smoking a hermi for the past 3 weeks. It will do but it's not the same, depending on how pollinated they got. I caught my sacks late and didn't do myself and favors removing them in a careless manner so she seeded to hell. Still better then buying weed
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