Male sacs on autofem?


New Member
I have noticed what I think are male pollen sacs on my autofem Kera crazy bud. Do I nip them off, or are they harmless? I am a noob. This is my only remaining plant (scorched the others to death sadly in an unshaded greenhouse). The second pic is only to show female flowers.
sac.JPG sac2.JPG
~Thanks hotrodharley, how confident are you? I have tried to read up on swollen calyxes, but as usual, finding a definitive answer that is plain English (not lab speak) is proving difficult.
Does swollen calyx mean my girl is OK? Do I just leave them be?
Thank you both. Whilst I am here, will these calyxes develop as proper flowers? Are they harvestable? Sorry to be such a noob.