Male With The Females???Want to Make my own Strain.


Well-Known Member
Could someone help me with my grow room. I got 3 plants 1 male 1 female 1 unknown right now. I would like 2 make my own strain. I can i keep the male alive without makin the female infested with seeds??? Plz can i get Help Here are som PICS.


Active Member
When Breeding A Strain You Want To Look For Quality In The Parent Plants, But If You Want To With Those No Problems...You Can Take The Male Out Of Your Grow Room And Place Him By A Window With Some Paper Under Him, He Will Drop His Pollen Onto The Paper And You Can Collect And Store It Until You Want To Use It. If You Want To Get Seeds From Your Female, Let Her Flower For A Good 3 Weeks Before You Rub On The Male Pollen You Collected. If You Don't Want Seeds Nor Pollen, Kill The Male.


Well-Known Member
Could Somone Explain better.. I really can't just put it by my window i can do it for like maybe 4 hours a day.. But to sketchy.


Well-Known Member
Could i Plz Get help. I need to find out what i can do with the male. so i can get the pollen from it without makin my females infested with seeds.??


Well-Known Member
yo chill bruh.

do a quick search up top for collecting pollin, better yet check the growfaq

what I do is I set both plants outside and let nature take its course.

you dont have to worry about your harvest turning into all seeds unless

a. your male releases pollin on the females late into flowering, and every bud gets hit with pollin (meaning after 3-4 weeks of 12/12 you really dont wanna pollinate, its best if done when the plant is showing preflowers or VERY early in flowering)


b. if you have a hermie that you didnt catch.

besides that, once the plant is pollinated the growth will slow down and it wont produce as many calaxyes.

make sure u feed it enough phosphorus and potassium or else the plant will suffer once it resumes budding.


Well-Known Member
within the next week of 12/12..nature tells them to burst early in flowering. thats why males mature faster than females


Active Member
I Told You In A PM Already...Separate The Male From The Female...In A Different Room, So He Doesn't Pollinate The Female Yet...Get A Small Compact Floro Bulb Under A Lamp...Put Him On Some Paper, And Set It On 12/12...3 Weeks Later Or So You Should See Pollen At The Bottom On The Paper...Store It In A Baggie Or Whatever You Want, Then When The Female Has Flowered For 3-4 Weeks, Brush The Male Pollen All Over Her Flowers, And Continue Flowering...That'll Get You A Few Hundred Seeds.


Well-Known Member
I don't have anothing room to put it in. I cut my male so there is 1 branch and it is next to the female. The female just started showing..


Active Member
I Don't Know What You Mean You Cut Him? But If You Can't Separate Them, You Can Just Let Nature Do It's Thing, But Chances Are You Won't Get As Much Seeds As A Planned Pollination.


Active Member
if you are feeling daring and want to pay close attention, just look at the male as often as possible and if you see the pollen sacks elongate and turn yellow the they are about to pop. pull it from the garden and dont allow it to open. The best way to do this though would be to make a small grow box out of plywood or cardboard line it with foil or better yet mylar or black and white poly use at least a 2 foot fluorescent or even a CFL you would have to do this for like 2 more weeks maybe 3 to get some pollen then take some of it in a bag and take the female outside of the garden and put the bag over a branch and shake it. that branch should now be pollinated I would recommend doing it twice at least. and each time you do this let the female sit out side of the garden for like four hours then spray it down with water before putting it back in with the other female this will make sure none of the pollen gets airborn and lands anywhere it is not supposed to be. If you want to make feminized seeds let me know and I could tell you that long story. I will give you a hint, you will not need the male for this.


Well-Known Member
what is your lighting like? how many watts of fluorescent do u have on those plants?
I will give pic in a little bit. I cut my male so there is 1 branch just to let u know if u don't understand just let me know if that is ok. I willl give pic of the CUT MALE LATER SORRY.!! That is Before i CUT THE MALE.

