Males show before females?


Well-Known Member
i am on my 7th week in veg. i plan on vegging for at least 3-4 more weeks. no signs of sex are apparent. i have read that males show usually before females, is that true in most cases? and i have also read that not all females will show preflower pistils in veg, even for several weeks. some strains have to be forced to show????:-?


Well-Known Member
well im not very experienced but i vegged for 3 weeks in a micro grow then switched to 12/12 by the end of the second week 1 plant was showing signs of being a male and smelled quite weedy. the other was female but smelled alot less and showed its sex later on. i am pretty sure that it will take between 6 and 8 weeks to show preflwoers unless you are dealing with an auto-flowering strain.


Well-Known Member
Let's face it . . . as a rule, males (of course, not me) usually come before females. It's NOT cockit science.


Well-Known Member
i am on my 7th week in veg. i plan on vegging for at least 3-4 more weeks. no signs of sex are apparent. i have read that males show usually before females, is that true in most cases? and i have also read that not all females will show preflower pistils in veg, even for several weeks. some strains have to be forced to show????:-?

I dont think you can tell the sex of the plants until you begin to flower them...


Well-Known Member
Signs of sex will usually show at the 7th or 8th node,(well at least thats what mine did) Im sure diffrent strains show diffrent things, get yourself a good mag. glass and keep lookin


Well-Known Member
Interesting topic. I don't know if it is just first grow luck but 7 out of 9 of my plants turned out to be female. The first 4 I found to be female before I could tell any were males. The 5th female showed after 2 more males and then the 6th and 7th fem showed late but I think that was due only having vegged for maybe 2 weeks before 12/12.


Well-Known Member
whanks for all the input everyone. yeah i have a mag glass, and i have tried to see, but i think its too early. i have a hunch these plants will not show until moved to 12/12. oh well. i will just transplant after i turn to 12/12, and know whats male and female, si i dont put my males and females in 5 gallon pots. what a waste od soil and room. i have 15 plants, and 1 400 hps, so for me to place all of them in bigger pots, i would lose light to them due to spreading them out due to pot sizes. if i can find my hopefully 4-6 females out of my 15, then that would be efficient for my 1 400 watter.