Males with white hairs?


Active Member
So my plant has been in the flower cycle for 24 days. I always thought it was a male from the get go, but it started growing white hairs all over the top and lower branch. So I had hope again. Today I found pollen all over the leaves. So I guess my question is: Can males have white hairs? Any advice would be much appreciated.


Active Member
I don't have pics. I moved the other plant out 3 days ago to become my mother. So I'm trashing the pollenated plant and sterilizing the entire set-up. I'm a little worried about mom because since the switch back to the veg. cycle she's been dropping little tiny green bundles. Both had great white hair action. I wonder if both are hermies?


Active Member
if they are both herms I would keep them and let them polinate them self and take the seeds and grow them because you might be able to get females out of the seeds


Active Member
Well I would like some seeds. This was a great plant. How long til I get seeds??


Active Member
In the optimal conditions you can almost guarantee that they will be female. There is a post here somewhere about it, I'll link it if I can.


Active Member
Yeah that link would be great. I'll try and find it if you can't locate it. What exactly are optimal conditions??


Active Member
Yeah this is just personal stuff so I don't want any males around. But the aspect of getting a bunch of seeds might be worth it. I only have 2 seeds and I want at least 12 for my next project.


Active Member
Yeah this is just personal stuff so I don't want any males around. But the aspect of getting a bunch of seeds might be worth it. I only have 2 seeds and I want at least 12 for my next project.
how tall of a grow space do you have?


Active Member
5' X 2' It's a small space. I only have 2 growlights from WalMart. I know it's not good for flowering, but I can't get the HPS set-up. Up until now it's been great.


Active Member
5' X 2' It's a small space. I only have 2 growlights from WalMart. I know it's not good for flowering, but I can't get the HPS set-up. Up until now it's been great.
well I dk how tall it will get when you kick it into seed mode but if you can try to get it as tall as you can then kick them into seed mode but keep every seed even if its a Hermi because you can use thoes to make more plants


Active Member
I'm going to try that. I'm only going to keep one regaurless. Do you think I can smoke the top of the one I'm going to kill??


Active Member
There are no females. I'm left with one male now. Still not sure what I'm going to do. No matter what, I'm going to have to start out from seed once again. 2 months down the drain.


Active Member
There are no females. I'm left with one male now. Still not sure what I'm going to do. No matter what, I'm going to have to start out from seed once again. 2 months down the drain.
just let the Hermis polinate them self and make seeds