

12/12 for a week now, first sign of flowering...are they bought males? there is a small dot on each joint:



Well-Known Member
It is looking that way, but you will know beyond the shadow of a doubt in a few more days.

Peace and Great Grows




It looks more pear shaped...their might be a possibility they will open and show pistils? or 100% male from the pics...sorry but i am trying to find a glimmer of hope


Active Member
To early to tell! Don't sweat it yet. Those may be just little calyxs getting ready to pop some pistles you will know for sure soon enough. It appears you are just reaching the terrciarry stage now (nodes on side branches) just let them go. If there is a male or two in the bunch,It does'nt mean you will have pollen all over the room today, or even in the next week. You have plenty of time to recognize them and cull them out. They will in-fact look much diffrent from one and the other at about week 1 of veg. The males will grow a stock. Little white flowers will begin to bud on that stock when they are ready they will open and pollen can be released into the grow area. The fems will have flowers begining at about 10 days, for most indica predominate strains. Sativa dominate take a little longer. (generally).
In conclusion what you are looking at,( those little dot's ) DO NOT MEAN THEY ARE MALES! so don't make foolish mistakes, I.E. ( pulling those plant's out this early). They look like they could have gone a little longer before blooming. Unless size of grow area is small and this is why you bloomed early, try topping instead, and waiting for pre flowers as well as floral arangement on node areas before switching to bloom.
Let me suggest a good refrence manual try Greg Greens Grow bible (best $35.00) I've spent so far in 30 years of doing this.


i will wait a bit more, beeing my first grow and having only 2 plants, even if they are males i wont trow them out...i will flower them a bit more and make some oil or brick...
i really learned a lot with my first 2 babies, and i really like them a lot, here si a pic with them....did i do a good job?



my first grow was from seeds someone gave me. 8 seeds, 8 males. buy feminized:-o
I Dont Suggest Femanized Seeds ~ as they can be Nice To have Almost Gar. Fem.
They Tend to be Hermis 1/2 the times ~ also I cant remeber Were i saw this but Reg. Seed Hold Stronger Genetics


Well-Known Member
I Dont Suggest Femanized Seeds ~ as they can be Nice To have Almost Gar. Fem.
They Tend to be Hermis 1/2 the times ~ also I cant remeber Were i saw this but Reg. Seed Hold Stronger Genetics
Completely untrue.

and seid thats starting to look female to me


Completely untrue.

and seid thats starting to look female to me

thank you, that is a relief...i will cehck also tomorrow, they are stating to look more pear shaped than balls, and i do believe they are starting to get more of a lighter color at the end from where the pistils should show.... patience is something i dont have and i need some now

a better pic:


Completely untrue.

and seid thats starting to look female to me
Pretty Sure it is True ~ I post link Later ~
last Summer orded from Attitude ~ 100+ Femnized seed From Attitude
Vars. Breed & strains
Over Half were Hermi ~ A Femanize Seed is Going to be More Likely a HERMI!
Maybe I just had a Bad Summer ~ But Im Almost Certian The Hermi Rate in fem Seed Are typically Higher.
Either Way It produces BUDS
Just Sometimes they have Seeds!