Malta Lawmakers Approve Marijuana Legalization Bill, With President’s Signature Expected Soon


Well-Known Member
Malta’s Parliament on Tuesday approved a bill to legalize marijuana, setting the country up as the first in Europe to enact the reform as soon as the measure is formally signed into law—which is expected within days.

Under the legislation sponsored by MP Owen Bonnici, adults 18 and older will be allowed to possess up to seven grams of cannabis and cultivate up to four plants for personal use. Up to 50 grams of homegrown marijuana could be stored at home.
I'm sure that they are going to experience changes to what has been already set in place. The law was passed and approved over a duration of just 6 months. Thus I believe there will still be more detailed changes that need to be put in place. However as far as documentation for the time being that is what is written. Time will tell its all in the hands of the political leaders unfortunately..
Congratulations Malta! Im happy that more and more Countries and States are passing the law. Its money for the government and allow uses are no longer criminals and outlaws. I just never thought I'd live to see this but government greed proved me wrong and while nohne of it is perfect It great to be able to grow and smoke without fear of the Law.