Manganese deficiency???


Well-Known Member
I recently watered in some epsom salt for these mag hungry og's. Then this top leaf starts looking like this. I know high amounts of mag can make you manganese deficient I've just never actually seen it before. Anyone got any experience here? Also whats a decently fast acting ORGANIC source of manganese? Kelp meal has a good amount but also high in mag so maybe that will perpetuate the problem? Any help is appreciated.


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Your plants look good. I wouldn't sweat 1 or 2 leaves, not to mention the leaf you're having an issue with doesn't resemble an Mn deficiency. If the whole plant was displaying the same thing, then I'd be worried. Never the less I understand the desire to have a 'perfect' plant. I'm guessing you're about 4 weeks into flower; I don't think I'd fool with them much unless things just tank, but it seems you have your S' together, so I doubt that's going to happen. Breathe easy; good luck.
Your plants look good. I wouldn't sweat 1 or 2 leaves, not to mention the leaf you're having an issue with doesn't resemble an Mn deficiency. If the whole plant was displaying the same thing, then I'd be worried. Never the less I understand the desire to have a 'perfect' plant. I'm guessing you're about 4 weeks into flower; I don't think I'd fool with them much unless things just tank, but it seems you have your S' together, so I doubt that's going to happen. Breathe easy; good luck.
Yea a couple days over 4 weeks. all my plants do look great and i know its not anything serious. I just like to catch things before they get serious lol. Thanks tho

Plants look good buddy, maybe it was just a spill .

What did you use in your soil mix?

Usually its not a deficiency but actually an abundance of something causing a lockout. But unless its something drastic it should work its self out no worries.
Its just coots mix amended a little extra with some charged biochar, grokashi, insect frass and a few pinches of some extra mineral sources(diatomaceous earth, basalt, greensand)
All plants get an epsom salt foliar 2x in first 10 days of flower and just the og's get an epsom salt watering about day 21 flower. It was just a few days after the watering that the leaf turned so its gotta be cuz of too much mag.