Manutec pH Test Kit


Well-Known Member
Just a heads up.

Do NOT buy the Manutec Liquid Ph Test Kit from Bunnings. It sucks.

I searched the forums for reviews but I didn't see any so decided to give it a try. This is for anyone who does the same in the future.

So I've been using the Flairform one for years but I abruptly ran out and needed more ASAP to keep my DWC setup in order. Not having a hydro store nearby and not having the time to wait for postage I decided to give the Manutec a try since I could get it quickly from the big green shed down the road.

What a mistake that was...and it was MORE expensive than the Flairform!

$10.00 for the Flairform
$16.26 for the Manutec

For starters, the Manutec colour chart scale is a separate sheet of cardboard, not on the bottle label like the Flairform. Maybe it doesn't seem like a big deal but it really is a pain in the ass, especially in an environment with water around.

The Manutec vial is twice the size of the Flairform, and the Manutec requires 2 drops compared to the Flairforms 1 drop. Again, not a big deal but just unnecessary.

The Manutec vial has a crap push lid (like an old plastic film cannister) which seems like it might loosen in time and just doesn't feel as secure, whereas the Flairform has a nice sturdy threaded screew lid.

But worst of all, they Manutec must use different chemicals or strength or something because the colours are slightly different, and its much harder to differentiate between the colours. Yeah, I'm used to something else, I'm sure that plays some part. But almost the entire relevant range for me is just different shades of green. The Flairform is orange at the low end, green at the top end, with yellow in between. Flairform is MUCH easier to tell where you're at than the Manutec.

I just went for a longer drive today in order to get more Flairform as the Manutec is just not tenable. Lesson learned.

Consider yourself warned.

Dont buy this:
Manutec Hydroponic Liquid pH Test Kit

Buy this instead:
Flairform pH Test Kit (not necessarily from this place. this is just a random link for demonstation purposes).
You could just go to your local pet store and buy some in the fish section for half the price. Or just buy a reliable meter. Good luck
You could just go to your local pet store and buy some in the fish section for half the price. Or just buy a reliable meter. Good luck
Yeah, nah. Im not looking for recommendations. This thread is just to warn others away the Manutec if they search the forums like I did. Imo, electronic meters suck. I would pay MORE for the drops if thats the way it was.

FYI, I dont live in suburbia...the "local" hydro store is just as far as the "local" pet store for me, and who knows what brand they have...I specifically wanted the Flairform. And I cant see anywhere lower than $10 for the flairform so no, not getting it cheaper locally without going out of my way in which case the $2 I saved is spent on fuel to pick it up.