In January, I started with six old-school varieties with high levels of THC (27% - 33%), and heavy on the Indica/Couch-lock side. After much research, I settled on Gorilla Glue or GG#4, Northern Lights #5, and Chemdawg. Of these three strains, I had the best feedback and most requests for Chemdawg: the flavors and aromas were mezmerizing. So I vegged out a few more Chemdawg fems and selected my phenom. I took 20 cuttings, and successfully rooted all 20 in the OxyClone with springwater and Clonex. I am ready to plant, selecting nine ladies, one of which will be my next mother plant.
I'm starting with this:

And I'm hoping for this:

I'm starting with this:

And I'm hoping for this: