Marijuana and Anti-Depressants


New Member
(Im not sure where this thread belongs)
Is it safe to smoke marijuana when taking anti-depressants?

I have anxiety, depression, possibly more, and I cant function too good now, Ive tried everything else and I give up. Im probably going to have to take medication again, anti-depressants or similar things.

I ask this question because I have heard some reports where people have had really bad adverse reactions when combining the two. There was this one on erowid where this guy had convulsions with serious palpitations and almost died from combing the two. If Im happy with the anti-depressant and if it actually helps, Ill most likely cut down a lot on my marijuana smoking, but I love marijuana and it made me feel good when I thought there was nothing else to live for and I was finally able to just relax for the 1st time in years. Does anybody else do this? and is it safe?


Well-Known Member
dunno but i wouldt recommend it wen you have taken 2 mogadon sleeping tablets and 2 codene painkillers tht mashes you up sumthing baaad


Well-Known Member
Ya man, its safe. Unfortunately I have to take anti-depressents to, and I still smoke on a regular. It has never effected me negatively. Sorry to hear that though man, hope things get better.


Well-Known Member
Amazingly enough, people sometimes smoke weed as a medicine. It works, doesn't it? Shocker!


Well-Known Member
I believe it could be possible to smoke yourself into a coma or something, but not die.


Well-Known Member
Have you ever smoked weed...and then listen to what she was telling you?! Stop with the antidepressants. They are a scam. You can't be happy without experiencing sadness. You can't be depressed without knowing what life can fully offer you, now can you?

Smoke the sweet herb and listen to her...she will show you the way.


Well-Known Member
my md said i was depressed and i tried ssri's. i couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, couldn't stay awake, focus, concentrate, stay hard much less bust a nut. then i was really depressed. real drugs don't require a dea#


Well-Known Member
i smoke when taking meds for anxiety and depression. mary is now my only antidepressant...the shrink gave up on trying new meds for me...but yea...i've only had really positive experiences when combining mary with my meds. i found that if i smoke about a half hour after taking my meds i get a really great high...


Well-Known Member
Bobharvey, anti-depressents are somewhat a scam, but not really. They equal and perfect chemical imbalance in your brain, so it actually does help.


Well-Known Member
I believe it could be possible to smoke yourself into a coma or something, but not die.
lol.. if i could only tell u about the times i passed out while high (and i mean real real high)... lol... its like a DMT trip lol...


Well-Known Member
Haha, I've had quite a few times like that, one time I kinda blacked out in a way, and like didn't know where I was and didn't remember anything. I think I had some meth laced in tho'. :/


Well-Known Member
LOL... last 2 times its happened it was on Purples.. others were good, but i couldnt tell u the strain...


Well-Known Member
Nah man... i just cant remember.. being so long ago...
but staying on topic, anti depressants usually can be substituted for cannabis.. maybe the threat starter should look into that...


Well-Known Member
If you're smoking weed as an anti-depressant, yes. But trees by far are a stronger anti-depressent, but don't have the same effects because a high only lasts a few hours.