Marijuana Documentaries, Have I Seen Them All???????

Couldn't really find a more suitable place to post this, but I'm trying to find some new documentaries to watch, and hopefully I havent just seen everything out there, mayb, I have we will see. below is a list of all the ones ive downloaded and watched many times

Super High Me
The Union
High: The True Tale of American Marijuana
Magic Weed
Marijuana Nation
American Drug War: The Last White Hope
Marijuana Inc.
Stoned In Suburbia
Cannabis: The Evil Weed?
In Pot We Trust
Marc Emery Film (About Prince of Pot being busted by DEA)
Both Cannabis Cup Films (Wish they made one every year)
Hooked(I think thats the name) show on history channel that talks about different drugs, caught the one on weed last week

And I have not been able to really find anything else other than grow guides, which I have watched as well.

But if there is anything I am Missing, please let me know, because its possible I missed something that came out in 09' and if anything has come out this year I havent seen it

still have to check out the new cheech and chong movie

but if anyone knows of a good documentary ive missed let me know
I know I have a good sized list and prob a couple some of you have never heard of, but I'm mainly so interested in the whole thing because I want to open a dispensary in Minnesota whenever a medical law gets passed here:leaf:
Forgot about Totally Baked, But other 3 are new to me, thanks a lot, if anyone else has other good 1s let me know

Also for anyone who wants something pretty to zone out on with some good music i didnt post this before but there is one called cannahuana the moweed, its just a like hour long time lapse of plants growing and close ups on amazing buds with great music in the background to chill to


Well-Known Member
Check out browndirt warriors outdoor grows on youtube. I think it's an eight part series


Well-Known Member
All docs I pulled off torrent sites that are not included in your list

CBC CAnnabiz
CBC Nature of Things season5 episode 11
Dan Rather reports Medical Marijuana
Adventures in Cannabis Hemp
Cannabis Britain's Secret Farms
Emperor Of Hemp
Howard Marks - A Video Diary
The Hemp Revolution
Waiting to Inhale
Medical Marijuana Ahisma
Strain Hunters(mentioned by nvr2stond)
How the Weed won the West(mentioned by moobyghost)
Acapulco Gold (from the 70's)
Hemplands Conspiracy (episode 1 and 2)
The Kind City - The Weed Report
Run From The Cure - The Rick Simpson Story
Hemp For Victory 1942
Kenny vs. Spenny episode"Who can smoke the most Weed?"

also have 23 grow videos

and 2 cooking videos:
Cannabis - Cooking With Marijuana

And 4 propaganda vids:
Keep Off The Grass 1969
Reefer Madness - 1938
The Terrible Truth 1951


I was just about to list "Should I Smoke Dope" but I saw that tebor listed it. It's about a middle aged BBC reporter who has almost no experience with weed (except for trying it a few times in college). She moves to Amsterdam for a month to work in a coffee shop and smoke weed. It's pretty good.


Active Member
Thx for the links, you should also add Gary Coopers Never get Busted/Raided series as well...haven't seen hardly any of the others u guys posted...thx again!