Marijuana & Family Members


Active Member
Hey all,

I'm not sure if this is the correct place to post this, but I'm going to go ahead and just put it out there. Mods, please move as you see fit.

Ok, so my mom absolutely hates the idea of me associating myself with marijuana, whether growing, smoking, etc. All these "facts" that she uses to support her when we have our arguments, are obviously, false. Just stupid propaganda forced into her head by mass media.

However, my problem is this. She claims that I do not love her, because I do not listen to her. She does, and says, all these things to make me feel like a bad person, just because I grow/enjoy marijuana.

Am I a bad person for not listening to her? I'm sorry if this is so random, and off the wall, and to be honest, I know my post sucks.

But I just have to know. Am I a bad person for not listening to her? I live under their roof, but I don't bring it around the house. So, maybe I should follow her rules? Maybe I should get my own place?

Am I a bad person? :cry:


Well-Known Member
No, never think you are a bad person for doing something as harmless, as marijuana. It is clear your mom isn't informed on the marijuana issue, if you haven't presented a clear and concise case to her about the contradictions in scientific research maybe it would be something to consider. As well maybe it would be wise to not smoke in their house or bring any marijuana into their house, as the legal implications if acted upon by an LEO could have your mom with some serious issues with your life path. After all that explain to her that smoking marijuana makes you happy, but the constant haranguing from her has got to stop. It really doesn't seem fair, but understand that the system is created to turn out workers and soldiers that can't think, they can only spew information that has been spewed at them, be it fake or the truth. Plus the language we use, english, is a language that is argument based. There is a right side, a left side and a center, the right and left are always correct in the point of view of the observer, always arguing, and the middle can't be proven or disproven so no argument can arise. So understand that, and know that it doesn't matter how she feels, if you are happy your life can't be a problem for you.



Hey all,
She claims that I do not love her, because I do not listen to her. She does, and says, all these things to make me feel like a bad person, just because I grow/enjoy marijuana.
I can be somewhat spiteful, but I would reply that she doesn't love you because she won't honestly research the facts to understand something you obviously love/enjoy.

I relate it to bad advice. If she was telling you to jump off a bridge (an act which could seriously injure if not kill you) and you didn't do it. Would you be swayed by her argument: "You must not love me because you won't listen to me." As a (hopefully) rational being, you would of course not be swayed by such an argument.

Stand your ground. If you are GROWING in your Mom's house, then I would definitely rethink that, if she doesn't approve. Or at least keep it on the down low. But otherwise, I think you shouldn't let her comments bother you.


Well-Known Member
What she's doing when she says you don't love her is using emotional blackmail on you.
It's nothing more than the same tactic a 4 year old uses when they say "I hate you!" or "I've love you this much!" because they didn't get something or they want something.

You haven't provided enough info to justify a decision one way or the other as to whether you are a "good" or "bad" person, but simply engaging in the use of or association with cannabis does not make you a "bad" person. It is the actions you undertake that affect others that influence a reasoned judgment of it. There are likely many things you could cherry-pick from your mothers previous actions that could be used to define her as a bad person, though it wouldn't necessarily make her so.

The offspring of the previous generation are always going to do things their parents do not abide by. This is not generally a willful act of disdain. It's simply an act of free will, by an individual that is the sum of their upbringing and experiences. You are different from your parents as she was from hers.

If she can't realize that, she needs to take some time for introspection.

All that being said... if she's simply trying to keep you from getting a drug rap, she may not be using the best tactics but still have the best of intentions. It's ridiculous how the baby boomers have created a police state around the very drug that exemplified their youth culture. And having even a minor stain on your record regarding the use of drugs can have a serious impact on your education and career.

Also, if you're at an age where you're still undergoing brain development (well you wouldn't be here according to the rules, but then who here cared about rules) consider not using the stuff at all until you're a fully developed adult. There are studies in rats that show that cannabis used on developing brains does in fact have an impact on mental faculties in the long term. The good news is that it doesn't have that deleterious affect on adult brains, despite what the mainstream media might portray.

Anyway, on the plus side consider that you still have a place to live while you have that dialog with your parent. Not every kid still has a roof to live under when they go against a parents wishes.


Well-Known Member
dude, my mom is the SAME way. she does not like me smoking or growing. but i have to use it because its the only medication that helps me. so i gave her the ultimatum of either i consistently treat pot like a med and use it daily, or i start having major issues with my illness. and my illness is a mental one, so when im having difficulty it can be really really rough and intense for everyone. so she just has to deal with it. just dont talk to your mom about it very often and dont wave it in her face, or try to push the real information down her throat, because i tried that with my mom and she just absolutely will not even listen to me. she may not be completely happy with your choice to toke, but in the end she will have to realize that its YOUR choice, YOUR body...not hers.


New Member
"She claims that I do not love her, because I do not listen to her."

Remove her logic by lovingly convincing her when she is calm that you do indeed value some of what she says because you do indeed listen to her.

There comes a point in every bad person's life when We no longer do all as their Mothers do.

What happens to a tree left untended after IT's rules are defined?

* . * - We would like to introduce to y'all once and for only mr. particle man. A hippie bows deeply and gestures to Your left.
A simple question for some,

others become angry.

When logic is stripped, emotion remains.