Marijuana Flowers?


Well-Known Member
Have any of you growers out there let your buds stay on the plant until it turned into a flower?

I imagine you would have to let it germinate in order to produce a flower and was wondering what could you do with a pot flower? Could you eat it and get high? Nice valentines present maybe?

I might try this out with my upcoming grow if no one has tried it out before, and I'm wondering what I would have to do in order to make this work. Any tips would be very much appreciated.


Active Member
"Any tips would be very much appreciated."

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Cannabis is dioecious.

'Buds' are the female flower of the plant. 'Flowers' only occur on males.


Well-Known Member
Well, the buds ARE the flowers.

"Flowering" is a euphemism in the biz for "budding". Nothing more.

No flowers. No pretty petals, stamens, and petioles, etc. Just buds.

Sorry to disappoint you :)


Well-Known Member
buds are flowers. Buds are made up of bracts which contain an ovule. This is a flower. Buds have lots of them.


Well-Known Member
"Any tips would be very much appreciated."

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'Buds' are the fruit of the plant. Flowers only occur on males.
If I'm remembering my biology, flowers proceed fruit. So for instance, on a fruit tree, you will see a bloom (flowers). Those flowers become pollinated, and out of them grows a fruit. You want to keep in mind that the fruit isn't separate from seeds, it is part of the seed, think of it as just a soft outer casing. If bud got pollinated, it would also grow seeds... I'm pretty sure female buds, and the ovule they contain, constitute a flower...


Active Member
If I'm remembering my biology, flowers proceed fruit. So for instance, on a fruit tree, you will see a bloom (flowers). Those flowers become pollinated, and out of them grows a fruit. You want to keep in mind that the fruit isn't separate from seeds, it is part of the seed, think of it as just a soft outer casing. If bud got pollinated, it would also grow seeds... I'm pretty sure female buds, and the ovule they contain, constitute a flower...
Yeah, it occurred to me that 'Buds' have ovules with pistils. Corrected myself.


If you wasn't to harvest the bud all it will do is open to allow seeds to fall out of the bud. I for got about one I grew outside and went in nov. the bud had opened and seeds had fallen out. Plant was worth nothing didn't do nothing for ya THC was 0.