Marijuana Grower Shot Dead by Mendocino Sheriff’s Using New Eradication Techniques

hate to say it, another fucking (very good) reason to NEVER weep when a cop is killed.

i think, police officers know the risks (just like when you join the military) and didn't take, or sign up for, the job thinking it's all shits, giggles, and discounts at local sandwich & pastery shops.

most police officers take advantage of their status & position. plain fact.

and, the "blue code" effectively negates any responsibility on their part ...because even the cops hate a snitch.

in reality, and since truth is an abstraction, nobody will ever know what REALLY happened in that secret garden.
It's unfortunate, but I don't see the problem. Pointing out that the dude tending the illegal grow is Hispanic is not racist, nor is it an effort to stir up a racial debate. It's a fact which speaks for itself. So is the fact that he had no identification, was armed, and was growing a shit load of pot illegally on government property. As a general rule, police do not simply blow people away for no reason. Until I hear facts that suggest otherwise, I will presume the police officer was justified in his use of deadly force. Cops, particularly ones involved in this area, realize that they are up against increasing public sentiment in favor of legalizing marijuana. To suggest that they are dirty, or liars, or there is some kind of cover-up taking place is not supported by any facts let alone common sense.

It's a fact that there is a serious criminal element via Mexican drug cartels growing and selling marijuana in the U.S. To suggest otherwise is nonsensical.

now you sound like a fuckn cop yourself.... why are you even on this site? go smoke a blunt with some cops or somthing. your just as bad as the cop my dad buys his weed from. biggest fuckn hippocrit alive
That's really sad. A person lost they're life that shouldn't have. I wish there was a link to an actual news report though. I'd like to know more about it. I'm also really surprised this happened in Northern California. I expect it in Texas or Arizona, but not California.