Marijuana Growing Practice - legal substitutes


New Member
Is anyone aware of some different types of plants that may mimic the needs of marijuana plants? - the light cycle, nutrient needs, physical traits (ability to be topped, FIM'd), produce oils/terpenes, can produce cuttings, and can be SCROGed? I have heard of using tomatoes, but was looking for some others.

I love growing marijuana and have been doing it for a large portion of my life. However, do to my current living situation, I cannot have a grow this year! I don't want that to keep me from learning though and would like to continue to be able to practice and experiment with different techniques.
The best thing I have come up with is cushion type chrysanthemums. Mums are photo periodic, short day plants but not dioecious. Producing a mum that looks like a huge ball of flowers is a real challenge. Pruning, fertilization and managing the light/dark cycles are pretty much the same as for Cannabis.
hibiscus cannabinus is nice and responds to topping. you can havest it for its skins as they are bast fibers and can make paper or rope or string or with some chemistry-capacitor electrodes.

peppers are a favorite of mine because the very well display def and tox and respond to lst topping etc, can be cloned

i also like tulsi basil since it can be grown like cannabis, harvested, dried, and cured just like cannabis. only difference is its a tea and you have to cut ever leaf off the stem or cut the stems down to small sizes so it can make it into your cup:hump:
cleome aka spider flower


I just got my 2 hops in

great little plants too

I'll pass them off to a home brewer

Is anyone aware of some different types of plants that may mimic the needs of marijuana plants? - the light cycle, nutrient needs, physical traits (ability to be topped, FIM'd), produce oils/terpenes, can produce cuttings, and can be SCROGed? I have heard of using tomatoes, but was looking for some others.

I love growing marijuana and have been doing it for a large portion of my life. However, do to my current living situation, I cannot have a grow this year! I don't want that to keep me from learning though and would like to continue to be able to practice and experiment with different techniques.
For small container growing, Mint and Catnip are Mini Mes Grow Mint and you will be drinking Julips. Grow Catnip, open a window and every cat in the hood is your new best friend.