marijuana problem...


Active Member
I have a bigger problem... my plants grow O.K., but i think that they will die like the past year because of a fuc*** unknown problem (see in the picture) i can't solve it...
What can I do...
The leaves are ok, but the plant is turning brown...



Well-Known Member
naw id say this is from some creepy crawly eating some part of the plant. do you have any holes on the stem or leafs? if not they could be eating the roots. read up on insects before you douse it with pesticides. thrips(give me the willies), beetles, spider mites, moths exct


Active Member
They have at least 7 hours of direct sun...
The soil in the hole is for the flowers and around is the common soil (i haven't mesured the ph of the soil)...
There are some grasshoppers (black and green ones), last year some parts of the plant turned purple and then the plant started to dry...
I noticed that some roots of the died plants were damaged but i could't tell the reason...
I've fertilized them only 3 times (ones every 10 days...).
I have only put there arond something for the sanils.

there are lots of bushes around full with insects but i can't tel for under the soil...
please help


Well-Known Member
neem oil, buy some and spray it on your plant, this should keep bugs off of it

have you looked up what thrips are? there this creepy clear tiny bug that you cant see with the eye. i think this is your problem


Active Member
There are some holes in the leafs... the stem is ok, but last year i noticed something when we pulled out the plants that there was a hle in the middle of the stem (the inner part of the stem which can be only seen when cut down...

The problem now occures only 1 plant but i'm worried for the others...


Active Member
isn't neem oil for humans (i read an article...)

i will ty to found this oil...

i hope to find the solution


Active Member
a friend told me that he gives some sprite (becouse ot the CO2) to the plants - 1,5liter of sprite mixed with 80l of water....could that help


Well-Known Member
i think the best mixture is

soda water (sprite works)
neem oil
a few drops of dish soap

in a spray bottle, anyone else hear this?


Well-Known Member
i'm new at this so...
why do we need soda...
why the dish soap're making it harder than it really is. Use the neem oil...that works...the plant also needs full sun. Get yourself a reputable line of growing nutes and fertilize everytime its suggested. Forget about dish soap...forget about soda...
also, for the soil, you should mix some composted humus...does a nice job with neutrilizing pH.

the420 apprentice

Well-Known Member
ok ive heard some shit about strange things that help your plant but sprite,dishwashing liquid. that crazy! hay guy if u got a problem out side to years in a row in the same area of dirt, i would asome the dirt could be contaminated. out dig out a much larger hole and fill it with some quality soil first. maybe think about going indoors. i think indoors puts things more in your hands and not the hands of chance.


Well-Known Member
ok ive heard some shit about strange things that help your plant but sprite,dishwashing liquid. that crazy! hay guy if u got a problem out side to years in a row in the same area of dirt, i would asome the dirt could be contaminated. out dig out a much larger hole and fill it with some quality soil first. maybe think about going indoors. i think indoors puts things more in your hands and not the hands of chance.
i agree with this

i grow indoors and dont encounter more than a few gnats or spidermites. one time my friends outdoor giant had thrips and i helped him with it. thats really all i know about insects