Marijuana Smell Eliminating Device?

Ok, so nobody laugh...I know this is probably just another stupid stoner thought...

So I have to move back with the family due to money problems here in a couple weeks. They dont know I smoke and while it wouldnt be the end of the world or a surprise to them I would like to keep it under wraps until I can get out again ya kno?

I have been dreaming about a device that I can light up my pipe inside to eliminate the smell and then maybe a separate device to blow the smoke in to to get rid of that smoke n the smell.

This is probably a long shot but I feel so determined.

First off, is there anything like this already? I searched a little and the only things ive seen are those stupid little toilet paper tube stuffed with dryer sheets...I know they help but I want better! lol and no I dont want to go to my bathroom and turn on the water or light something that smells good. I want a slightly complicated contraption that will get this job done.

Right now the major thing I have is filling a tube with active carbon then caping that with cheese cloth or something to trap it in. then having smaller tubes on either end that just fit inside it. (maybe have the cheesecloth on the ends of those) One end ya blow in the other maybe leads to a bottle or something filled with dryer sheets or something like that.

Lol this isnt just to hide my pot smoking from the family, but I like being creative with shit like this ya know?

Any ideas or sudgestions?

Haha I know its dumb dont be cruel.


Well-Known Member
Go to walmart, lowes, canadian tire, anything like that and find the air filters/fan section. Theres tons of carbon filters for small rooms. I have a small febreeze one that is meant for "smoke" it plugs into the outlet and cleans the air 24/7. It works wonders and leaves my room with a neutral smell. Its strong enough to hide my flowering plants perfectly.


That's what my twin brother and i though when we were teens; just go outside it'll blow away. Hell no!! We had a correction officer right next store, a rich "private" family you know big ass fence and bushes separating our yards. No matter where the smoke blew it always raised up towards their deck and into their screen doors (LOL), screwing us over big time :/ i say just go use your garage unless you really have an open space in your yard.
We made sploofs (what we called them). A paper-towl roll with the drier sheets; Even those failed horribly at times :(

Step 1: open back door

Step 2: walk outside(make sure door is still open)

Step 3: light up

Step 4: repeat as needed

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
A sploof - fill a paper towel roll with dryer sheets and blow the smoke into it. Kills the smell and leaves the room smelling fresh and springlike. :p


New Member
RIght now i made a crappy one that works well, two cheap toilet paper rolls, put them together end to end, duct tape one end to the other, do that once, twice, however many times you think to make it smoke proof. on one end of your now full size make shift duct tape paper roll, make a cross shape over one end, this is your "catching" end. stuff toilet paper in one end until it reaches the catching side and continue stuffing until its full, you want it tight in there so some can't seep around it but not too tight you can't blow through. take a soda bottle, heat a knife over the stove, cut small hole for the smoke to escape through the bottom of the bottle, put condom over bottle from bottom to top or middle making sure theres room for it to expand under the bottle, secure condom with duct tape. take off the cap, blow smoke, pinch the condom so it doesn't blow it out, close the lid. you can now be lazy and not get up for about four large rips.


Well-Known Member
Whenever I see a "new" thread and don't recognize the names, I look at the dates. If my charcoal underwear can stop my life changing gas, they should work for you.