marijuana vending machine


Well-Known Member
that is old news. haha, not to be rude but I think it has been 2 years now. Pretty cool indeed.

There was 2. Wasnt one stolen at one point? Are they still open? I remember it was kinda a gimmic cuz they had a co op worker watching the whole time

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
Shit, I bet you could get a vending machine for under a grand, matbe way less used.

Stock your living room with your buds. lol. I bet mose guys are single middle aged males with some disposable income.

But what would be even funnier would be too play a high priced prank and put one up yourself in front of some college or other public place and see how long it lasts, or before someone calls the cops.


stays relevant.
Yeah figures. Cops always mess all the cool shit up. If only it were legal. Machines just like that would be on every corner.:weed:
It was the DEA. The police here are very respectful of patients rights and have no intruded on any clubs in a long time. When you see LAPD at a raid, it's generally only to provide safety to the patients, and to make sure no crimes are being committed... Down here if you're getting messed with by the cops over pot, it's 99% of the time because you're being a dick to them. The problem is with how the DEA was respecting the rights of patients and their clubs, but lately they have been behaving and busting only the clubs that aren't in full compliance with state and federal law... typically taxes, or licenses, or something of that nature.

I'm actually quite proud of our police here in Los Angeles... and our LA sherrifs dept... They busted 150 gang members in 1 day last week, and took a number of guns and felons off the street- THAT is what makes me smile- The police not having foolish laws to enforce, and they are able to do good work on the streets busting real criminals.

It's nice to finally feel like most our cops aren't the bad guys. :)


Well-Known Member
From what I understand that machine was destroyed during a raid.
yes, it was taken in a raid a few years ago, not sure if they blew it up though, but i think they would not destroy it before trial, and it is legal med in Ca. where it was located and raided. they might have got it back!