Marine Veteran in need of help/advice asap


Well-Known Member
live in Alaska and have ptsd. I have to go to the VA and do an annual check up where I know I will be tested and have blood taken. This is all new as I never had to do this before . I am rated at 60% disabled and have a prescription for Xanax due to anxiety/ panic attacks/ nightmares. I take it when I need to. A lot of the times I don't get the script refilled because I have gotten a little better without taking them but sometimes it's the only thing that helps. Then I found out my yearly script has expired and i have to physically go see a doctor do get my new yearly script. I do occasionally smoke weed because sometimes it's better and helps me sleep and is rather not take pills , but during the day I can't smoke weed and when I have panic attacks during the day at work and such I take a pill. So now, I've heard and I am extremely worried that they will see that I've been smoking and take my Monthly benefits away and or my meds. Does anyone have advice ? Experience? Know anyone to call and talk too? Losing my benefits would devastate me and my family would be homeless . Without a doubt . I live in remote Alaska and the VA is paying for me to fly there and bought the tickets already. Should I just not go and cancel and wait until I'm clean ? I'm sure they would stick me with the bill if I did that . I just don't know what to do and I'm stressed the fuck out to the max right now . I'm supposed to leave this Tuesday
I'm sorry you are in this position

I would get clean fast as possible many people here know some good ways to get clean and I'm sure they will chime in
Something tells me using fake urine is a bad idea in this situation but I'm ignorant at best with fake urine

That aside I would ask your doctor/ psychiatrist for an anti anxiety drug that is a build up drug.
Xanax is a band aid drug at best highly addictive and while it does help with anxiety it only temporarily helps
Anti anxiety meds that build up in your system are much better
People with anxiety problems are much more likely to self medicate and become addicted to drugs and alcohol

I'm sure you see someone on a weekly or biweekly basis for counselling I would talk to them about getting a better suited medication for your needs

I would say if these benefits are something you need to live and support a roof over your head I would stop smoking (if the VA is still against MMJ)

There are other coping methods a counsellor can go through with you that are effective for both anxiety and ptsd

When did you last smoke marijuana and how much have you been consuming ?
That's what the users who pass drug tests will want to know on here
I'm a Vietnam veteran with PTSD....welcome home brother *Hugs*. I do not receive VA disability benefits however I do believe the VA has signed on with MMJ. Best of luck bro, Whoooorah!
Did they ? Is that in affect now ?
I couldn't find anything but

"Maybe maybe not and still likely to be denied benefits "

I will edit my post than I was under the assumption they were highly against it still
Thank you for trying to help and give me some advice. I smoked one hit tonight . And usually one hit every night for the last two weeks. That's when I started smoking again. Haven't touched the stuff in 12 years but after Afghanistan they put me on pills and have been ever since . It doesn't take much for me to feel better so I don't think I have much in my system but still. stressful
I posted this same thread on a different discussion board and they deleted it . Thanks . Also, thank you for your service brother . You guys never got the welcome home you deserved .
they dont test for pot unless you are getting pain meds thru the VA. and have signed a waiver to get screened.

the VA also uses the same sample of pee to do your heath screen, so you really need to use your own sample.

if you fail on a conitious bases , you either have to go thru a class, or sit out a year without pain meds.

you can not loose your bennies via a fail screen....

thats how the VA does it here with me anyways

good luck and welcome home
Does anyone have advice ? Experience? Know anyone to call and talk too? Losing my benefits would devastate me and my family would be homeless . Without a doubt . I live in remote Alaska and the VA is paying for me to fly there and bought the tickets already. Should I just not go and cancel and wait until I'm clean ? I'm sure they would stick me with the bill if I did that . I just don't know what to do and I'm stressed the fuck out to the max right now . I'm supposed to leave this Tuesday
my advice is to cancel if u have to and stop smoking now. it takes 30 days to eliminate from ur body, excluding ur hair. get the blood work after ur clean. and talk to a doc about substituting weed for Xanax....which is an awful drug. god bless, good luck.
Well I do know in colorado the va supports the use of MMJ...but...if you have a mmj card and use mmj as medicine. ...the va will NOT give you medication

One or the other
live in Alaska and have ptsd. I have to go to the VA and do an annual check up where I know I will be tested and have blood taken. This is all new as I never had to do this before . I am rated at 60% disabled and have a prescription for Xanax due to anxiety/ panic attacks/ nightmares. I take it when I need to. A lot of the times I don't get the script refilled because I have gotten a little better without taking them but sometimes it's the only thing that helps. Then I found out my yearly script has expired and i have to physically go see a doctor do get my new yearly script. I do occasionally smoke weed because sometimes it's better and helps me sleep and is rather not take pills , but during the day I can't smoke weed and when I have panic attacks during the day at work and such I take a pill. So now, I've heard and I am extremely worried that they will see that I've been smoking and take my Monthly benefits away and or my meds. Does anyone have advice ? Experience? Know anyone to call and talk too? Losing my benefits would devastate me and my family would be homeless . Without a doubt . I live in remote Alaska and the VA is paying for me to fly there and bought the tickets already. Should I just not go and cancel and wait until I'm clean ? I'm sure they would stick me with the bill if I did that . I just don't know what to do and I'm stressed the fuck out to the max right now . I'm supposed to leave this Tuesday

This article may answer your questions...
iam sorry any weed in u no nacos from gov best friend just lost his scrip he is better off without I hope u to.thank u for your service my man:bigjoint:
I get my healthcare through the VA, and I have told them about my marijuana use for over 10 years now. My doctors ask me about it every time I go there. They are curious more than anything.

I don't think you will have any problems with the VA vilifying you about your marijuana use. The memo that came out in 2010 by the VA specifically instructed VA doctors to NOT discriminate against Veterans who use marijuana in States where it is legal. There has been legislation before Congress for several years to allow VA doctors to actually issue MMJ recommendations, like the CARERS Act.

So do what's best for you, and don't fret about the VA.
