massachusetts question 2 passed!


Active Member
:peace:marijuana question 2 passed marijuana decriminilized!!! posesion under an ounce no longer a criminal offense!!! only punishable by a fine!!!:hump::joint::hump::mrgreen::hump:


Well-Known Member
This is excellent news for Mass. Florida will decriminalize bud in a hundred years or so. My grand kids will be happy that day.


Well-Known Member
no worries with michigan. it'll pass. i already saw it up 67 to 33 percent. no chance of it not passing.


Well-Known Member
It's still against Federal Law. :peace:
for most people on here, they will never come into contact with the federal system. if you are growing and distributing, well then yeah, you run the risk. but i'd rather live in a state where it was either a.) decriminalized, or b.) medical law, than not live in one at all.


Active Member
Horray for Mass!... I'm moving there... lol.... well not really.. but I should move there... I prolly will eventually.. lol... psssh... common Cali, Louisiana, Texas... how about..... common AMERICA!!!! =p