Well-Known Member
Getting thread monkeys! Been a min. Never kept a thread in order on track, though imma roll it up right this time... there is probably a number of those that exist. This is my first I feel will help. First let’s go through items obtained to achieve this without too many hiccups.
I.)Quart sized ball mason jars (preferably with large mouth for the purpose of easier removal of colonized substrate)15$ for a pack of 12 can be obtained averagely at hardware and our food market where canning supplies are sold.
2.)Polyfil stuffing from fabric section. (Hypo allergenic material used for moisture retention an adequate air filtration for you grow chamber) Polyfil is also cheap.
2a.)Microppose filter discs is an option as well. I just recently converted all my fruiting chambers to these instead of polyfil. In my opinion the disks are easier to apply, .3 micron indicated, has a lesser chance of fruit bodies pushing through an emerging from tub as polyfil is not as secure. Pack of 30 discs cost me 28 dollars if I remember correctly.
3.)Surgical nitrile rubber gloves. Amazon had a bulk deal. Can’t remember number. Reasonably priced though.
4.) Black plastic liner. Can be obtained by the roll in participating gardening stores.
5.)(!!!) Stove top pressure cooker/autoclave with a quart jar capacity of 4 or more. Doubt they make them smaller? There is digital models for purchase that are under fancy, I’ve never been interested personally as I assume the margin of complication could arise should it happen to malfunction for any reason. Insistently I direct any enthusiast investing In mycology tools to obtain a proper PC with pressure valve. Obtained a 7 quart capacity of for the total of 107.65
6.) Purchase bulk supply of rye berries for substrate material. As far as obtaining this grain locally, it was frustrating. I felt it to be a simple task. After inquiring in a multitude of establishments I instead bought the grains from an online grain distributor. 25lbs. Costed 33 dollars as well as shipping fees. Close to 50 dollars was the cost. ( other material can work for a starting material. Though rye berries offer a standard of nutrition, quality an texture desired for crumbling an spawning colonized substrate to bulk.
7.) Compost supplies
7a.) Sphagnum peat moss (15$)
7b.) Vermiculite (10$)
7c.) Distilled and or spring water (can be free)
7d.) Horse manure chips 50/50 mixor if synthetic compost is preferred, one can purchase straw bales cheap an administer items like blood meal, chicken manure, etc..
8.) Isopropyl alcohol. (Sterilize work area an observe possible vectors Specifically anything above 71% I feel is adequate at reducing bacteria. Though if manage to catch a glance at some higher percentage isopropyl in store front access, anymore I size the opportunity an load my inventory till full. Maintaining hygienic conditions are ideal in order to stray from contamination possibilities. As long as an individual engages and practices use of cleaning work area thoroughly, they can reduce the likelihood of foreign contaminates finding there way into the culture. 4 dollars at most any isopropyl distributor’s.
9.)Measuring cups. Don’t have to be fancy 3.50$ Can achieve obtaining this item.
10.) Obtain gallons of water, though I hear many that are cautious of using tap water. I have successfully grown mushroom using tap water as well as river water gathered by bucket. Personally I usually lean towards utilizing spring water. Though however you obtain you’re h20 is fine. Measurements in ml. for quart sized jars are stated by Stamets. He provides 1 cup/240ml. of rye berry an 3/4 cup/200ml. of distilled water.
I.)Quart sized ball mason jars (preferably with large mouth for the purpose of easier removal of colonized substrate)15$ for a pack of 12 can be obtained averagely at hardware and our food market where canning supplies are sold.
2.)Polyfil stuffing from fabric section. (Hypo allergenic material used for moisture retention an adequate air filtration for you grow chamber) Polyfil is also cheap.
2a.)Microppose filter discs is an option as well. I just recently converted all my fruiting chambers to these instead of polyfil. In my opinion the disks are easier to apply, .3 micron indicated, has a lesser chance of fruit bodies pushing through an emerging from tub as polyfil is not as secure. Pack of 30 discs cost me 28 dollars if I remember correctly.
3.)Surgical nitrile rubber gloves. Amazon had a bulk deal. Can’t remember number. Reasonably priced though.
4.) Black plastic liner. Can be obtained by the roll in participating gardening stores.
5.)(!!!) Stove top pressure cooker/autoclave with a quart jar capacity of 4 or more. Doubt they make them smaller? There is digital models for purchase that are under fancy, I’ve never been interested personally as I assume the margin of complication could arise should it happen to malfunction for any reason. Insistently I direct any enthusiast investing In mycology tools to obtain a proper PC with pressure valve. Obtained a 7 quart capacity of for the total of 107.65
6.) Purchase bulk supply of rye berries for substrate material. As far as obtaining this grain locally, it was frustrating. I felt it to be a simple task. After inquiring in a multitude of establishments I instead bought the grains from an online grain distributor. 25lbs. Costed 33 dollars as well as shipping fees. Close to 50 dollars was the cost. ( other material can work for a starting material. Though rye berries offer a standard of nutrition, quality an texture desired for crumbling an spawning colonized substrate to bulk.
7.) Compost supplies
7a.) Sphagnum peat moss (15$)
7b.) Vermiculite (10$)
7c.) Distilled and or spring water (can be free)
7d.) Horse manure chips 50/50 mixor if synthetic compost is preferred, one can purchase straw bales cheap an administer items like blood meal, chicken manure, etc..
8.) Isopropyl alcohol. (Sterilize work area an observe possible vectors Specifically anything above 71% I feel is adequate at reducing bacteria. Though if manage to catch a glance at some higher percentage isopropyl in store front access, anymore I size the opportunity an load my inventory till full. Maintaining hygienic conditions are ideal in order to stray from contamination possibilities. As long as an individual engages and practices use of cleaning work area thoroughly, they can reduce the likelihood of foreign contaminates finding there way into the culture. 4 dollars at most any isopropyl distributor’s.
9.)Measuring cups. Don’t have to be fancy 3.50$ Can achieve obtaining this item.
10.) Obtain gallons of water, though I hear many that are cautious of using tap water. I have successfully grown mushroom using tap water as well as river water gathered by bucket. Personally I usually lean towards utilizing spring water. Though however you obtain you’re h20 is fine. Measurements in ml. for quart sized jars are stated by Stamets. He provides 1 cup/240ml. of rye berry an 3/4 cup/200ml. of distilled water.
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