Mattso's 4 plant minimum


Well-Known Member
I haven't posted here in like 10 years my account is stoll active lol. I grow plants outdoors. Thus season has been a particularly good obe so far.
I am growing grapefruit and sour diesel this year. The plant in planters are 20 gal felt pots using living soil as a medium peat based. I have a few plants in the veggie garden right in the ground. Two if them sprouted natural from last years discarded root balls in the garden. The had a fewbuds left on them and the plants had a few seeds in them fir some reason. Well, enjoy
Pics raken tidsy they just started flowering about a week ago



Well-Known Member
Good to have you back, great to see your girls.

They look absolutely delightful.

Don't suppose you're going to share the soil recipe? Those are nice baby monsters.