Max distance of a male's pollination?


I understand that this is probably not something that could be answered with 100 percent certainty because of several variables. Nevertheless, I'm trying to figure out at what distance a female plant can be kept from a male without worrying that it will be pollinated. Any thoughts on this would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
depends on the climate, and microsystems within your geographical region, ive heard that MJ pollen can travel up to a hundred miles or more :)


New Member
Wooded area here in Canada...80-100ft and a few random honey bees help create a few beans but no biggie


Well-Known Member
I've heard crazy numbers like 50miles on a bee or by air.

I'd have to say a couple miles somewhere around 10ish but like you said its all on the variables.


Thanks for the replies. I never thought in terms of it traveling miles. I guess I'll have to murder all those dudes to be safe. Maybe transplant one or two to a completely different area so I don't have to keep buying seeds.